13 So think clearly. Keep awake. When Jesus Christ comes, he will bring you blessing. Set all your hope on that.
16 God loved the world so very, very much that he gave his only Son. Because he did that, everyone who believes in him will not lose his life, but will live for ever.
9 God saved us and called us to live a holy life. He did not do it because of the good things we have done. He did it because he himself planned to do it, and wanted to do it. That was the blessing he gave us in Christ Jesus. He had this plan before he made the world.
8 You have been saved by Gods love and kindness because you believed. It was not because of anything you did, but it was a gift from God.
9 You were not saved by trying to do what the law says. So no one can be proud about it.
24 But none of these things trouble me. I do not try to save my life. All I want is to finish what I must do with joy. The work which the Lord Jesus gave me is to tell the good news that God is kind.
14 Wrong ways will not be your masters. The law does not rule over you now, but Gods loving kindness rules over you.
21 The wrong things people did ruled over them, and they died. Now God has been very kind. He has made people right with him. So now Gods blessing will rule over them, and they will live for ever. Jesus Christ our Lord has done this for them.
4 But God was very, very kind. He loved us very, very much.
5 We were dead because of the wrong things we had done. He has made us alive with Christ. You have been saved by his love and kindness.
25 May the loving kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen! May it be so!
21 May the love and mercy of the Lord Jesus bless you all. Amen.
10 God gives all blessings. He has called you through Christ to be great with him for ever. When you have suffered for a short time, he will make you all right. He will make you strong and steady.
11 Gods loving kindness has come. It is through that blessing that all men are saved.
12 It teaches us to say no to the things that are not true of God, and to the things of this world. It teaches us to use good sense, to do what is right, and to please God while we live in this world.
16 So let us trust him when we come to worship God. He is so good. He will be kind to us and help us when we need it.
14 If you forgive others for the wrong things they have done, then your Father in heaven will forgive you.
15 What then? The law does not rule over us now. Gods loving kindness rules over us. So, shall we do wrong things? No, never!
23 All have done wrong and all are far from being as good as God.
24 But God is kind and makes them right with himself. It is a gift. He does it because Christ Jesus paid the price to set them free.
15 But the free gift is not like the wrong thing. Many people died because one man did a wrong thing. This is sure. God was very kind and he gave a free gift. This gift was given to many people because one man, Jesus Christ, did a very kind thing.