1 Do not be angry with an older man if he has done something wrong, but talk kindly to him as you would talk to your father. Talk to the young men like brothers.
6 In one place the holy writings say, What is man and why do you think about him? What is the Son of a Man and why do you care about him?
15 In his own body Christ made an end of the law and its rules. He did this so that in him two peoples could become one. In this way, he made peace between us.
7 That person must not think that he will get anything from the Lord.
8 A person like that has two minds. He cannot go straight in any of his ways.
11 But you belong to God, Timothy. Have nothing to do with all this. But do what is right. Do what God wants you to do. Believe in Christ. Be loving. Be patient. Be kind.
22 Stop being the person you used to be in your old life. That person was bad because he wanted to do wrong things.
23 Have a new mind and heart.
24 Be a new person. That new person has been made like God. He does what is right and holy because he knows the truth.
11 When I was a child, I talked like a child. I understood like a child. I thought like a child. But when I became a man, I stopped doing things like a child.
45 The holy writings say, The first man, Adam, was of this world! The last Adam Christ is a Spirit who gives life.
46 The body for the spirit does not come first. The body for this world comes first. Then comes the body for the spirit.
47 The first man came from earth. He was made from the dust of the earth. The second Adam is the Lord from heaven.
48 Those who are made of earth are like the man made of dust. Those who are for heaven are like the man from heaven.
49 We were made like the man of dust but we shall look like the man from heaven.
12 One man Adam did a wrong thing. And the wrong thing he did made him die. So all men die because all have done wrong things.