11 We are not fighting against people of flesh and blood. But we are fighting against rulers and powers whom we cannot see. We are fighting against those who control the darkness of this world, and against bad spirits who have power in the air.
11 Have no part in the empty things people do in the dark. Show them that they are wrong.
12 It is a shame even to talk about the things they do in secret.
21 My children, have nothing to do with false gods or idols.
10 Because people love money they do all kinds of wrong things. Some people have stopped believing in God because they want money so much. And it brings them many troubles.
5 So then, put to death those things of this world which are in you. I mean these things: wrong sex, things that are not clean, a heart that is burning to do wrong things, wanting what is wrong, and wanting to have what other people have. This last one is like worshipping an idol.
9 Do you not know that bad people will have no part in the kingdom where God rules? Do not be fooled. There are some people who will not have part in that place. They are those who commit adultery of any kind, those who have idols, or steal, or are always wanting more, or talk wrong things about people, or drink plenty of strong drink, or take things by force, or curse.
15 I do not ask you to take them out of the world. But I ask you to take care of them, so that the evil one of this world will not harm them.
56 But I thank God that he gives us power to stop being wrong through our Lord Jesus Christ.
21 Do not let wrong things win a victory over you. But win a victory over wrong things by the good things you do.