5 Think the same way Jesus Christ thought.
6 He was in every way like God. Yet he did not think that being equal to God was something he must hold on to.
7 He gave this up and became a servant. He was born a baby.
15 If anyone says, Jesus is the Son of God, God is in him and he is in God.
9 Jesus said to him, Philip, you mean to say that I have been with you all this time and yet you do not know me? The person who has seen me has seen my Father also. Why do you say, "Show us your Father"?
10 Do you not believe that I am in my Father and my Father is in me? The things that I say, I speak not from my own mind. But my Father lives in me and he does the work.
9 If you say with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and if you believe in your heart that God has raised Christ from death, you will be saved.
58 Jesus answered, I tell you the truth. I already was before Abraham was born.
12 No one else can save us. Of all the people in the world, God chose him to save us. It is by him we must be saved.
19 Praise God our Father for ever. Yes, he will do it.
14 The Word became man and he lived among us. We saw with our own eyes that he is great. He is great the way God the Father made his only Son great. We saw that he is full of loving kindness and truth.
15 Worship Christ as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks you about the hope you have. But be gentle and respect him.
4 In a body there are many parts, but all the parts do not do the same thing.
5 In the same way, we are many people. But we are one body because we are all joined together in Christ. Each one of us is a part of all the others.
3 He shines as bright as God. He is just like God himself. He holds up the world by the power of his word. He made people clean from their wrong ways. Then he sat down beside God in heaven.
4 He is much greater than the angels because God has given him a much better name than theirs.
8 Anyone who does what is wrong belongs to the devil. The devil has done what is wrong from the beginning. That is why Gods Son came. He came to stop what the devil does.
15 Jesus said to them, Whom do you say I am?
16 Simon Peter answered, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.
17 Jesus answered, Simon, Jonahs son, God has blessed you. No person on earth has showed you this. But my Father in heaven has showed you.
10 God has made us. In Jesus Christ God made us so that we can do good things. He planned that we should live that way.
57 So, my dear brothers, stand strong. Do not be moved from what you believe. Work hard for the Lord. You know that your work for the Lord will not be for nothing.
17 So he had to be made like his brothers in every way. Then he could be a high priest to make a way to God for them, a priest who was kind and true. He could make it possible for God to forgive people for the wrong things they had done.
21 My Father raises people who were dead, and gives them life. So his Son gives life to anyone he wants to.
22 My Father judges no one, but he has made his Son to be the judge of everything.
23 He did this so that all people would respect the Son, just as they respect his Father. My Father has sent his Son. Anyone who does not respect his Son does not respect the Father.
6 Jesus said to him, I am the way. I am the truth. I give life. No one can come to my Father unless I take him there.
9 This is how God showed his love for us. He sent his only Son into the world to give us life.
10 This is love! We did not love God, but he loved us. And he sent his Son to be the sacrifice to pay for the wrong things we have done.
28 I give them life that lasts for ever. They will never die. No one will take them out of my hand.
29 My Father gave the sheep to me. He is greater than anyone else. No one is able to take them out of my Fathers hand.
30 My Father and I are one.
54 The Roman captain and some of his soldiers were guarding Jesus on the cross. When they saw the earth shake and the other things happen, they were very much afraid. They said, Surely this man was Gods Son.
38 Anyone who is not willing to carry his cross and suffer with me, is not good enough for me.
25 Jesus said, I am the one who will raise people up and give them life. The person who believes in me will live, even though he has died.
16 God loved the world so very, very much that he gave his only Son. Because he did that, everyone who believes in him will not lose his life, but will live for ever.
17 God did not send his Son into the world to judge the world. He sent him to save the world.
18 Everyone who believes in the Son will not be judged. But everyone who does not believe in him is judged already, because he does not believe in the name of Gods only Son.
17 But Jesus answered them, My Father is still working and I am working also.
18 This was why the leaders of the Jews tried much more to kill Jesus. He had broken the law of the Sabbath day. And also he called God his Father. In that way, he was making himself equal with God.
27 But Jesus said, God can do what men cannot do.
11 Then I saw heaven open, and I saw a white horse! The One who rode him is called One who can be Trusted and The True One.He punishes and makes war in the right way.
12 His eyes were like a flame of fire. On his head were many crowns. He had a name written on him, but no man knew what it was but he himself.
13 He wore clothes that had been dipped in blood. His name is The Word of God.
14 The armies of heaven followed him on white horses and they were dressed in fine linen, shining and clean.
15 A long knife or sword comes from his mouth. With it he will punish and control the people of the nations. He will rule them with an iron stick. He is like the winepress that presses the water out of the fruit. It is the place where God, who has all power, shows his great anger.
16 A name is written on his clothes and on his leg: it is King of kings, and Lord of lords.
1 The Word already was, way back before anything began to be. The Word and God were together. The Word was God.
2 Before anything began to be, the Word was there with God.
3 God made everything by the Word. Nothing has been made without him.
30 My Father and I are one.
25 I tell you the truth. The time is coming. Yes, the time is here when the dead people will hear the voice of the Son of God. Those who hear his voice will live.
15 If anyone says, Jesus is the Son of God, God is in him and he is in God.
61 But Jesus said nothing at all. Then the high priest asked him, Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?
62 Jesus answered, Yes, I am. You will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the One who has all power. You will see him coming on the clouds of the sky!
20 I died when Christ died on a cross. I do not live now, but Christ lives in me. Now while I still live in my body, I live by believing in the Son of God. He loved me and gave himself for me.
9 This is how God showed his love for us. He sent his only Son into the world to give us life.
5 There is one God. There is also one man who can open the way between God and all people. That man is Christ Jesus.
21 When all the other people had been baptised, Jesus was also baptised. While he was talking with God, the sky opened.
22 The Holy Spirit came down upon him like a dove. And a voice from the sky said, You are my dear Son. I am very pleased with you.
27 Then he said to Thomas, Put your finger here. Look at my hands. Feel my side with your hand. Do not doubt anymore, but believe.
28 Thomas said to him, My Lord and my God!
18 This was why the leaders of the Jews tried much more to kill Jesus. He had broken the law of the Sabbath day. And also he called God his Father. In that way, he was making himself equal with God.
6 He said, Do not be surprised. You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth who was nailed to a cross. He is risen. He is not here. Look, here is where they laid him.
30 Jesus did many other big works when he was with the disciples. They are not written in this book.
31 But these things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. And when you believe in his name, then he will give you power to live.
9 Christ has everything that God has.
2 We must keep our eyes on Jesus. He believed from first to last. What was put in front of him made him glad, so he did not give up when the people nailed him on a cross. He did not care about the shame. And now he is sitting beside God.
11 Here is what God says. He has given us life that will last for ever. And this life is in his Son.
12 So anyone who has the Son has this life. Anyone who does not have the Son of God does not have this life.
12 I am telling you to love each other as I have loved you.
21 May the love and mercy of the Lord Jesus bless you all. Amen.
40 Jesus said to her, Did I not tell you that if you believed God you would see that he is great?
27 Jesus looked at them and said, Men cannot do it but God can, because God can do anything.
23 The prophet said, A young woman who has not slept with a man is going to have a baby son. His name will be Emmanuel. That means "God is with us."
5 Think the same way Jesus Christ thought.
14 We have a great high priest who has gone into heaven. He is Jesus, the Son of God. Because we have such a great high priest, let us hold on to the things we believe.
15 We have a high priest who can feel with us when we are weak. He has been tested in every way, just as we are. But he did not do anything wrong.
5 Who wins a victory over the world? It is only the person who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.
1 The Word already was, way back before anything began to be. The Word and God were together. The Word was God.
36 While they were going along, they came to some water by the road. The man said, See, here is water. What is there to stop me from being baptised?
37 Philip answered, If you believe with all your heart, you may be baptised. The man said, I do believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
38 The man told the driver to stop. Then both he and Philip went down into the water, and Philip baptised him.
20 I tell you the truth. The person who receives the one I send, receives me. He that receives me, receives the one who sent me.
2 Love others as Christ has loved us. He gave his life for us, a sweet smelling offering and a sacrifice to God.
25 May the loving kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen! May it be so!
20 Where two or three people meet together in my name, I am there with them.
15 Hold on to the peace of God which is in your hearts. You were called to have peace because you are all like one body. Be thankful.
9 Christ has everything that God has.
10 And you, too, have everything when you are in him. He rules over every power and ruler.