30 Jesus answered them, This voice did not come for my sake, but it came for your sake.
31 It is time now for the world to be judged. The ruler of this world will be put out.
32 And as for me, if they lift me up from the earth, I will draw all people to me.
5 So do not judge me before it is time. Wait until the Lord comes. The things which have been kept hidden in the dark he will bring out into the light. He will show what is in peoples hearts. At that time God will tell each man how good his work is.
1 After this I heard a loud sound in heaven. It sounded like many people calling. They said, Praise our God! He saves people. He is great and power belongs to him.
2 The way God punishes is true and right. He has punished the bad woman who spoiled the earth with her wrong ways. He has made her pay for the killing of his servants.
3 They said again, Praise God! The smoke where she burns goes up for ever and ever!
1 Be ready to take a person into the church even if he does not know and believe all you believe. Do not judge what he thinks about things.
2 One person believes he may eat anything. Another person, who does not believe that, eats only things that grow in the garden.
3 The one who eats anything must not despise the one who does not eat everything. And the one who does not eat must not judge the person who does. God has accepted him as he is.
4 Why do you judge another persons servant? He stands or he falls before his own master. But he will stand because the Lord can give him power to stand.
7 Anyway, I am telling you the truth. It is better for you if I go away. If I do not go away, the one who is to help you will not come to you. But if I go away, I will send him to you.
8 When the Helper comes, he will prove this to the people of the world that they are wrong. They are wrong about what they call bad and about what they call good. He will show them how to be right with God. He will show them about Gods judgement.
9 He will prove it is a bad thing that they do not believe in me.
17 The time has come for God to judge people. Gods people will be judged first. If we are judged first, what will happen at the end to those who do not obey the good news of God?
38 The man said, Sir, I do believe. He kneeled down in front of Jesus and worshipped him.
39 Jesus said, I came into the world so that people may be judged. I came so that those who are blind may see. And I came so that those who see may become blind.
2 The way you judge others, that is the way you will be judged. How much you give to others is how much will be given to you.
3 Why do you look at the spot of dust in your brothers eye? But you do not see a big stick in your own eye!
4 Why do you say to your brother, "Let me take the dust out of your eye"? And all the time you have that stick in your own eye!
21 My Father raises people who were dead, and gives them life. So his Son gives life to anyone he wants to.
22 My Father judges no one, but he has made his Son to be the judge of everything.
23 He did this so that all people would respect the Son, just as they respect his Father. My Father has sent his Son. Anyone who does not respect his Son does not respect the Father.
24 I tell you the truth. The person who hears what I say and believes in him that sent me will live for ever. He will not be judged. He has already passed from death to life.
25 I tell you the truth. The time is coming. Yes, the time is here when the dead people will hear the voice of the Son of God. Those who hear his voice will live.
26 My Father has life in himself. And so he has made his Son to have life in himself.
27 He has given his Son power also to judge because he is the Son of Man.
28 Do not be surprised at what I say. The time is coming when all who are in the graves will hear his voice.
29 They will come out of the graves. Those who have done what is good will come out to live. But those who have done what is wrong will come out to be punished.
30 I have no right to do anything myself. I judge the way I am told to judge. The way I judge people is right. I do not do what I myself want to do, but I do what my Father wants me to do. He sent me.
31 If I talk about myself, then what I say is not true.
12 So each of us will tell God about what he has done.
13 So we must not judge each other any longer. But it is better for us to judge this. Never put anything in a brothers way that will hurt him or that will make him fall down.
14 As a Christian, I know and believe that nothing in itself is not right to eat. But it is not right for anyone to eat who thinks it is not right to eat.