7 People have been able to tame all kinds of animals, birds, snakes, and fish.
8 But no one can tame the tongue. It is a bad thing that will not be ruled. It is full of poison that can kill.
1 If I talk with the tongues of men and even of angels, but if I do not love people, then I am only like the sound of a big horn or a loud bell.
9 We praise our Lord and Father with our tongues. And we speak wrong words about people with our tongues, even though they were made like God.
10 Praising and wrong words come out of the same mouth! My brothers, this should not be so.
11 Do good water and bad water both come from the same place?
12 My brothers, do olives come from a fig tree? Or do figs come from a vine? No, they do not! Salt water and fresh water do not both come from the same place.
9 That is why God has made him very great. God has given him a name above every name.
10 Everyone in heaven, everyone on earth, and everyone under the earth will kneel before the name of Jesus.
11 Everyone will admit that Jesus Christ is Lord. They will praise God the Father for this.
2 We all do many wrong things. Any man who never says anything wrong is right in every way. He is able to make his whole body do what is right.
36 I tell you this. On the day when people are judged, they will pay for every empty word they have said.
37 Because of your words, you will be called good. Or because of your words, you will be punished.
26 Some of you think that you are doing what God wants. But you are not careful what you say. If you are like that, you are fooling yourself. And you are not doing what God wants.
3 We put a piece of iron in the mouths of horses so they will obey us. Then we can make their whole bodies go where we want them to go.
4 Look at the big boats also. They are very big. The strong winds push them along. But a man uses a small piece of wood and makes the boat go where he wants it to go.
5 A persons tongue is like that. It is a small part of the body but it talks about big things. A very small fire can burn a big pile of wood!
6 The tongue is like a fire. It is like a whole world of trouble. It is a part of our body. And it makes our whole body bad. It burns up our whole life. And the fire that makes the tongue burn comes from hell.