9 Let us tell God about our wrong ways. God can be trusted. He does what is right. He will forgive us for the wrong things we have done. He will make us clean from all that was wrong.
13 "Do not test us but help us, so that no one will make us do wrong. Deliver us from the evil one. The kingdom and power and praise belong to you for ever. Amen!"
20 But he said, What comes out of a person makes him dirty. 21,
21 Here is what comes from the heart: wrong thoughts, all kinds of adultery, stealing, killing, wanting things that other people have, doing very wrong things, fooling people, breaking the law, jealousy, saying wrong things about people, being proud, being foolish.
22 All these wrong things come from a persons heart and make him dirty.
23 Then Jesus went away to the country of Tyre and Sidon. He went into a house and did not want anyone to know he was there. But he could not hide from the people.
15 Thank God for everything. This is what God wants you to do through Christ Jesus.
12 So use everything that God has given you, that you can fight when the bad time comes. You will need to do everything you can do to stand!
21 So stop all your dirty living. Stop doing so many wrong things. Listen quietly to the word that has been put in your hearts. It is able to save you.
21 )It is God who calls you, and he can be trusted. He will surely do what he has said.
22 My brothers, ask God to help us.
5 The Light shone where it was dark and the darkness did not stop the Light from shining.
26 When you are angry, do not do anything wrong. And do not stay angry after the sun goes down.
27 Do not let the devil control you.
11 We are not fighting against people of flesh and blood. But we are fighting against rulers and powers whom we cannot see. We are fighting against those who control the darkness of this world, and against bad spirits who have power in the air.
17 Brothers, I ask you to do this. Watch the people who make quarrels. They make people do wrong because they teach things you have not been taught. Have nothing to do with those people.
18 The Lord will save me from every wrong thing. He will bring me safely into the kingdom of heaven. Praise him for ever and ever. Yes, he will!
9 Your love must be real love. Hate what is wrong. Hold to what is good.
15 I do not ask you to take them out of the world. But I ask you to take care of them, so that the evil one of this world will not harm them.
21 Do not let wrong things win a victory over you. But win a victory over wrong things by the good things you do.