26 What good will it do a man if he gets the whole world for himself, but loses his life? What can a person give to get back his life?
18 missing fehlt/missing
9 I also want women to wear the right kind of clothes. They should not make a show of themselves, but use good sense. They should not fix up their hair in a fancy way, or wear gold and fine stones, or clothes that cost much money.
10 But women should busy themselves with good works. This is the right thing for women who say they worship God.
6 It is true that people are much better off if they live to please God and if they are satisfied.
36 What good will it do a man if he gets the whole world for himself but loses his soul?
17 Tell the rich people in this world not to be proud. Tell them to trust in God not in short-lived riches. He gives us richly all things to make us happy.
21 The place where you keep things is where your heart will be also.
5 Do not let the love of money control your life. Be satisfied with what you have. God himself has said, I will never be away from you. I will never leave you alone.
15 Then he said to the people, Take care. Do not be greedy in any way to get more and more things. Even if a man has much more than he needs, it cannot give him life.
19 Do not keep many things for yourself on earth. Insects and rust will spoil them. People will get in and steal them.
20 But keep things for yourself in heaven. Insects and rust will not spoil them there. People will not get in and steal them.
5 So then, put to death those things of this world which are in you. I mean these things: wrong sex, things that are not clean, a heart that is burning to do wrong things, wanting what is wrong, and wanting to have what other people have. This last one is like worshipping an idol.
9 People who want to be rich have trouble. They get caught in a trap. They want many foolish things which are wrong for them. Because of this, men are lost and punished for ever.
7 When we were born, we brought nothing into this world, and when we die, we can take nothing out of the world.
8 If we have food and clothes, that should be enough.
21 Jesus said, If you want to be all right, go and sell everything you have. Give the money to poor people. For this you will be rich in heaven. Then come and go with me.
32 All the believers were one in heart and mind. Not one of them said, This is mine. But everything they had was for the use of all.