37 He came near the top of the hill called the Mount of Olives. Then all the people who believed in him began to be happy. They sang out loudly, and praised God in a loud voice for all the big works they had seen.
38 They said, God bless the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven where God is praised!
7 I fell to the ground and heard someone say to me, "Saul, Saul, why are you troubling me?"
9 When Jesus had said this, he went up. They watched him going. Then a cloud hid him, and they did not see him any more.
28 Do they all have the gifts to heal the sick people? Can they all speak in different tongues? Can they all tell the meaning of these tongues?
15 Because they talk to God, and believe, he will hear them. The sick man will be healed. The Lord will make him well again. If the sick man has done wrong things, the Lord will forgive him.
16 So tell one another the wrong things you have done. And tell God about each others needs, so that you will be healed. When a good man talks to God, big things can be done.
8 The Spirit gives one person wise words to say. The same Spirit gives another person words of good understanding.
9 To another person the same Spirit gives faith, and to another person he gives the power to heal people.
10 To another person the Spirit gives the power to do big works. Another can speak words from God. To another person he gives the power to know the difference between spirits. To another person he gives the gift to speak the words of God in other tongues or languages, and to another the meaning of these different tongues.
49 But when they saw him walking on the water, they thought it was a spirit. They shouted loudly.
50 They all saw him and were very much afraid. He spoke to them right away. He said, Be glad! It is I. Do not fear.
50 Jesus heard it. He said, Do not fear. Only believe and she will be healed.
17 Elijah was a man like us. He asked God not to let it rain. And for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth.
18 Then he talked to God again. And it rained. Plants grew on the earth.
21 Jesus said to them, I tell you the truth. Believe God. Do not doubt him. Then you can do what I did to this fig tree. But that is not all. You can even say to this hill, "Go and jump into the sea" and it will be done.
38 Then some of the scribes and Pharisees said to him, Teacher, we want you to show us a sign.
39 But Jesus answered them, The people today are bad. They have gone away from God. They want a sign. No sign will be given them but the sign of the prophet Jonah.
40 Jonah was inside the big sea animal for three days and three nights. So the Son of Man will be in the ground for three days and three nights.
11 This was the first big work that Jesus did. It was in Cana in Galilee. He showed that he was great. And his disciples believed in him.
39 Jesus said, Do not stop him. Anyone who can do a great work in my name will not be quick to say wrong things about me.
40 He that is not against us is on our side.
8 Then the other disciple, who got there first, also went in. He saw and believed.
9 Until this time they did not understand the holy writings where it says, He must rise from death.
26 Jesus looked at them and said, Men cannot do it, but God can do anything.
13 I saw three bad spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the prophet who is not true.
14 They are the spirits of gods who are not true, and they do wonderful things. They go to the kings of the whole world and gather them to fight on the great day of God who has all power.
58 Jesus could not do many big works in that place because the people did not believe in him.
12 In what way did you not receive as much as the other churches? Only this! I did not trouble you to pay me. Forgive me for the wrong I did you!
31 When they had talked to God, the room they were in shook. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit. And they spoke the word of God without fear.
14 When those men saw the big work that Jesus did, they said, Truly, this is the Prophet that is to come into the world.
37 But God can do anything.
23 Jesus said to him, You say, "If you can." Anything can be done for the person who believes.
16 He took the five loaves of bread and the two fish. He looked up to heaven and thanked God for them. Then he broke the bread. He gave it to the disciples to give to the people.
17 They all ate and had enough. They picked up twelve baskets full of pieces that were left.
22 All of this had been told long before by the Lord through his prophet. It came true.
23 The prophet said, A young woman who has not slept with a man is going to have a baby son. His name will be Emmanuel. That means "God is with us."
20 Jesus said to them, Because you do not believe enough. I tell you the truth. If your strength to believe were as much as a little mustard seed, you could say to this hill, "Go, move over to that place!" And it would move. Nothing is too hard for you to do.
10 Jesus was teaching in one of the meeting houses on the Sabbath day.
11 A woman was there who had a spirit that had made her sick for eighteen years. She had to bend down all the time and could not stand up straight.
12 Jesus saw her and called her to come to him. Then he said, Woman, you are healed. You are not sick any longer.
13 Jesus put his hands on her, and right away she stood up straight. And she praised God.
14 The ruler of the meeting house was angry because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath day. He said to the people, There are six days to work. You should come to be healed on those days, and not on the Sabbath day.
15 The Lord said to him, You are not true to yourselves! Every one of you unties his cow or horse and takes it to the water to drink on the Sabbath day. Do you not?
16 This woman belongs to Abrahams family. Satan has tied her for eighteen years. Is it not right that she should be set free on the Sabbath day?
17 When he said that, all those who had talked against him were ashamed. All the other people were very glad for all the wonderful things Jesus did.
27 Jesus looked at them and said, Men cannot do it but God can, because God can do anything.
27 But Jesus said, God can do what men cannot do.
22 You men of Israel, listen to this. God showed you that he was pleased with this man, Jesus of Nazareth. He proved it by the big works and the wonderful signs which he did by Jesus right here among you people. And you yourselves know it.
26 Jesus looked at them and said, Men cannot do it, but God can do anything.
20 Then Jesus began to talk about the towns where he had done most of his big works. He said hard things about the people, because they did not stop their wrong ways and turn back to God.
21 He said, Chorazin! You will have trouble! Bethsaida! You will have trouble! If the big works I did in you had been done in the cities of Tyre and Sidon, the people there would have stopped their wrong ways long ago. They would wear the clothes people wear to show they are sad. They would sit in ashes.
22 But I tell you, on the day when people are judged, you will be punished harder than the people from the cities of Tyre and Sidon.
23 Capernaum, will you be lifted up to the sky? No, you will go down to death. If the big things I did in you had been done in the city of Sodom, it would be standing now.
24 But I tell you, on the day when people are judged you will be punished harder than the people from Sodom.
11 God did big works through Paul. Even some pieces of cloth he had touched were carried to sick people and they were healed. Also, people who had bad spirits in them were made free.
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29 Jesus said to him, You yourself have seen me. Is that why you now believe? God will bless people who believe though they have not seen me.
30 Jesus did many other big works when he was with the disciples. They are not written in this book.
31 But these things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. And when you believe in his name, then he will give you power to live.