9 But he said to me, My kindness and strength is enough for you. When you are weak, my power is strong. So then, I am very glad to talk about how weak I am so that the power of Christ may live in me.
15 What then? The law does not rule over us now. Gods loving kindness rules over us. So, shall we do wrong things? No, never!
16 God loved the world so very, very much that he gave his only Son. Because he did that, everyone who believes in him will not lose his life, but will live for ever.
4 But God was very, very kind. He loved us very, very much.
5 We were dead because of the wrong things we had done. He has made us alive with Christ. You have been saved by his love and kindness.
1 God has been kind to you. So I ask you, brothers, give your bodies to him like a living sacrifice. That is, a holy sacrifice. It will please God. And it is what you should do for him.
29 God has given you a special gift. You can not only believe in Christ but also suffer for him.
21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked him, Lord, how many times should I forgive my brother when he does wrong things to me? Should I forgive him seven times?
22 Jesus answered him, I say not seven times only, but seventy times seven.
16 So let us trust him when we come to worship God. He is so good. He will be kind to us and help us when we need it.
13 Go and learn what this means: "I want you to be kind. I do not want a sacrifice." I did not come to call good people. I came to call bad people to stop doing wrong things.
14 If you forgive others for the wrong things they have done, then your Father in heaven will forgive you.
15 But the free gift is not like the wrong thing. Many people died because one man did a wrong thing. This is sure. God was very kind and he gave a free gift. This gift was given to many people because one man, Jesus Christ, did a very kind thing.