2 Do not be like the people of this world, but have a new mind. Then you will prove for yourselves what God wants you to do. That will be good. It will please God. And it will be all right.
2 My dear brothers, we are Gods children now. No one knows yet what we shall be like. But we know that when Jesus comes, we will be like him. We will see him as he really is.
21 He will change our body which was made for this world. He will make it like his own wonderful body. He will do this by his power to make all things obey him.
3 Here is the first thing. In the last days, men will come who will make fun of holy things. They will do what they themselves want to do.
4 They will say, He promised to come. Where is he? Our fathers have died. And since then everything is just the same as it has been since the world was made.
5 They do not want to remember that long ago God spoke and made the sky. He made the land come up from the water.
6 But later on these same waters covered the world in a flood and the people died.
7 The sky and the earth that are here now are being kept because God spoke. They are kept to be burned up. This will happen on the day when God judges people and they will die.
19 Stop doing wrong things. Turn to God again. Then the wrong things you have done will be wiped away altogether. The Lord will give you a new start and make you very glad.
17 But it is God who has done all this. He sent Christ to make peace with us and to bring us back to himself. Now he has given us the work of bringing other people back to God.
3 I tell you, "No!" But if you do not stop doing wrong things, then you will all die as they did.
51 Listen! I tell you a secret. We will not all die, but we will all be changed. It will happen very quickly, as fast as one can shut his eyes. It will be when the trumpet or horn is blown the last time. Someone will blow the trumpet, dead people will rise, and they will never die again. We ourselves will be changed.
52 This body which dies must become a body which will never die.
8 Stop your wrong ways to show that you have turned back to God.
18 All of us have no cloth over our faces. People can see that we have some of the bright and wonderful light that the Lord has. And we are becoming brighter and brighter, more and more like him. It is the Lord, the Spirit, who does this.
8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.
31 The sky and the earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.
17 Every good thing and every fine gift comes from heaven. It comes from the Father of all light. He does not change and he makes no shadow by turning.