11 Do not hold back in what you do. Let the Spirit burn in you. Work hard for the Lord.
12 Be very happy because you have a hope. Be strong when you have trouble. Keep on talking with God.
7 Love forgives everything. Love is always trusting, and always hoping, and never gives up.
9 Let us tell God about our wrong ways. God can be trusted. He does what is right. He will forgive us for the wrong things we have done. He will make us clean from all that was wrong.
37 But God can do anything.
17 But it is God who has done all this. He sent Christ to make peace with us and to bring us back to himself. Now he has given us the work of bringing other people back to God.
1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The first heaven and the first earth had gone away. There was no sea any more.
2 I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. It was all ready and waiting, like a woman dressed for her wedding and ready to meet her husband.
3 I heard a loud voice in heaven. It said, Look! Gods house is now set up among the people. God will live with them. They will be his people and God himself will be with them.
4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. No one will die. No one will ever cry or be sad for any reason. No one will ever have trouble. The old things are gone.
16 All that is written in the holy writings comes from the Spirit of God. The holy writings are good for these things: to teach people, to show them when they are wrong, to make them see what is right, to teach them to do what is right.
17 In this way a person who belongs to God has all he needs. He is ready for every kind of good work.
13 Take what I have taught you as a guide for good teaching. Keep believing in Christ Jesus and loving him.
14 Keep safe that good thing which was trusted to you. The Holy Spirit who lives in us will help you.
35 So do not stop believing God now. Your faith will bring you much reward.
11 I am coming again soon! Hold on to the faith which you have, so that no one will stop you receiving your reward in heaven.
12 Gods word is living and full of power. It is more sharp than any sword that cuts on both sides. What God says cuts through and divides the mind and spirit. It cuts through and divides the place where the bones are joined, and the part inside the bone. What God says is able to judge the things people think and plan in their hearts.
16 The load of trouble we carry now is a little heavy. But this trouble is getting something great and wonderful ready for us which will last for ever.
17 We are not looking at things that can be seen, but at things that cannot be seen. The things which can be seen last only a little while. But the things which cannot be seen last for ever.
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33 I have told you these things so that you may have peace. I give you peace. The world will trouble you much. But be glad. I have power over the world.
12 God will bless any man who is strong to take his trouble, when he is being tested. When he has proved he is strong, he will live for ever. That is what the Lord has promised to those who love him.
16 God has loved us and made us happy through his kindness. He gave us everlasting comfort and good hope.
17 May our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, comfort your hearts and make you strong to do and say everything that is good.
12 Be very happy because you have a hope. Be strong when you have trouble. Keep on talking with God.
7 Ask, and you will get what you ask for. Look, and you will find what you look for. Knock, and the door will be opened for you.
8 Everyone who asks will get. The one who looks will find. And the one who knocks will have the door opened for him.
26 Jesus looked at them and said, Men cannot do it, but God can do anything.
18 I will not leave you without someone to help you. And I myself will come back to you.
6 God began to do a good work in you. And I am sure that he will keep on doing it until he has finished it. He will keep on until the day Jesus Christ comes again.
17 So people believe because they hear. They hear because people tell them about Christ.
12 I can do all things because Christ gives me strength.
13 But you were kind to help me when I was in trouble.
19 My dear brothers, do not punish people who do wrong to you. But let Gods anger punish them. In the holy writings the Lord says, I myself will punish people. If they have done wrong things, I will do wrong things to them also.
9 We must not get tired of doing good things. If we do not stop doing them, we will get something back when the right time comes.
6 If a person does not believe God, he cannot please him. Anyone who comes to God must believe that God is real. And he must believe that God will bless those who try to find him. God will reward a person, if he really tries to find God.
28 All you who work hard! All you who carry heavy loads! Come to me! I will give you rest.
29 Do what I tell you. Learn what I teach you. I am gentle. I am not proud. Then your hearts will rest.
30 What I tell you to do is easy. What I give you to carry is not heavy.
28 We know that God works out everything for the good of those who love him. They are the people who are part of his plan.
23 We must hold on to Gods promise that we have said we believed. And we must never let go. He has promised and he will do it.
24 Let us think of one another and help one another to love and to do good things.
25 Do not stop going to church meetings. Some people do stop. But help each other to be strong. You must do it all the more as you see the Great Day coming closer.
66 After that, many of the followers of Jesus left him and stopped travelling around with him.
67 Jesus said to the twelve disciples, Will you also leave me?
68 Simon Peter answered, Lord, to whom shall we go? It is you who has told us how we may live for ever.
69 We believe now, and we know it is true. You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.
14 And we are sure God will do this. If we ask him for anything that he wants us to have, he will listen to us.
15 And if we know he listens to us when we ask for anything, then we know that we have what we asked him for.
12 This is why Gods people must be patient. They are the ones who keep the laws of God and believe in Jesus.