10 Praising and wrong words come out of the same mouth! My brothers, this should not be so.
1 So now those who belong to Christ Jesus will not be judged.
2 The Spirit gives life in Christ Jesus. And the law of the Spirit has set me free from the law of wrong things, and the law of death.
8 Here is something that matters very much. You must love each other very much. Love will cover up many wrong things.
26 When you are angry, do not do anything wrong. And do not stay angry after the sun goes down.
1 My brothers, perhaps a man has done something wrong. If so, you who are strong in the Spirit must help him to do the right thing again. Help him in a gentle way. Take care yourself, that you are not tried and will want to do wrong.
14 If you forgive others for the wrong things they have done, then your Father in heaven will forgive you.
34 Jesus answered them, I tell you the truth. People who do wrong things are not free. They become a slave of the wrong things they do.
24 Like lost sheep, you were going away from God. But now you have come back to the one who takes care of you and helps you.
4 Everyone who does wrong things is breaking Gods law. Doing wrong things is breaking the law.
11 Have no part in the empty things people do in the dark. Show them that they are wrong.
12 It is a shame even to talk about the things they do in secret.
9 Do you not know that bad people will have no part in the kingdom where God rules? Do not be fooled. There are some people who will not have part in that place. They are those who commit adultery of any kind, those who have idols, or steal, or are always wanting more, or talk wrong things about people, or drink plenty of strong drink, or take things by force, or curse.
15 What then? The law does not rule over us now. Gods loving kindness rules over us. So, shall we do wrong things? No, never!
4 You people promised God you would be true to him, but you did not stay true! Do you not know that if you love the world you hate God? Anyone who wants to be a lover of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
12 Do not let wrong things rule over your bodies that are going to die. Do not do the things your bodies want.
13 Do not use your bodies to do wrong things. But give yourselves to God like men who have been raised from death to life. Give your bodies to God and use them to do good things.
14 Wrong ways will not be your masters. The law does not rule over you now, but Gods loving kindness rules over you.
15 What then? The law does not rule over us now. Gods loving kindness rules over us. So, shall we do wrong things? No, never!
16 If you give yourselves to be slaves and obey your master, you are not free. You are his slaves. Do you not know this: you may be slaves to wrong things? But you will not live for ever. Or you may be slaves to obey God. Then you will be made good people and live with him.
17 You were at one time slaves to wrong things. But I praise God that you obeyed what your teachers taught you. And you obeyed because you wanted to obey.
18 You were made free from doing wrong things. You were made slaves to good things.
3 As Gods people, you should not even talk about wrong living, any kind of wrong sex or wanting things you cannot have.
6 These little children believe in me. If anyone makes one of them do wrong, he will be punished. He will have worse trouble than if a big stone were tied to his neck and he were thrown into the deep sea.
8 Do we say, We have no wrong ways?Then we are fooling ourselves, and we do not know what is true.
9 Let us tell God about our wrong ways. God can be trusted. He does what is right. He will forgive us for the wrong things we have done. He will make us clean from all that was wrong.
6 Do we say that we belong with him? And at the same time, do we live in the dark? Then what we say is not true, and what we do is not right.
23 Whoever you make free from the wrong things they have done will be free. Whoever you do not make free from the wrong things they have done will not be free.
15 If your brother does something wrong to you, go to him. Talk alone to him and tell him what he has done. If he listens to you, you have kept your brother as a friend.
15 If your brother does something wrong to you, go to him. Talk alone to him and tell him what he has done. If he listens to you, you have kept your brother as a friend.
14 We know that the law came from the Holy Spirit. But I am a weak man. I have been sold like a slave to do wrong things.
15 I do not know why I do the things I do. I do not do what I want to do. But I do the things I hate.
16 And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good.
17 So now it is no longer I who do it, but my wrong ways in me.
23 The reward that wrong ways give is to die. But the gift which God gives is to live for ever. Christ Jesus our Lord has done this for us.
3 Why do you look at the spot of dust in your brothers eye? But you do not see a big stick in your own eye!
16 So tell one another the wrong things you have done. And tell God about each others needs, so that you will be healed. When a good man talks to God, big things can be done.
18 We know that any child of God does not do wrong things. The Son of God keeps him safe and the devil cannot touch him.
17 But if a person knows what he should do and he does not do it, he has done something wrong.
9 Let us tell God about our wrong ways. God can be trusted. He does what is right. He will forgive us for the wrong things we have done. He will make us clean from all that was wrong.
8 Come to God and he will come to you. You bad people, make your hands clean! You love what is good and what is wrong at the same time. Make your hearts clean.
45 A good man has stored up good things in his heart, so he says good things. A bad man has stored up wrong things in his heart, so he will say wrong things. The mouth will say what is in the heart.
23 All have done wrong and all are far from being as good as God.
4 Then Pilate went out to the people again and said to them, See, I bring the man before you. This is to show you that I find nothing wrong in him.
5 Then Jesus came out. He had the crown of thorns on his head and had the red gown on him. Pilate said, Here is the man!
6 When the chief priests and the officers saw Jesus, they shouted, Nail him to a cross! Nail him to a cross! Pilate said to them, You take him and nail him to a cross. I find nothing wrong in him.
8 Anyone who does what is wrong belongs to the devil. The devil has done what is wrong from the beginning. That is why Gods Son came. He came to stop what the devil does.
28 So Christ gave himself as a sacrifice only once. He took on himself the wrong things many people have done. He will come a second time. But he will not come to do anything about the wrong things people have done. He will come to save those who are looking and waiting for him.
21 She will have a baby son. Name him Jesus, because he will save his people from the wrong things they have done.
5 So then, put to death those things of this world which are in you. I mean these things: wrong sex, things that are not clean, a heart that is burning to do wrong things, wanting what is wrong, and wanting to have what other people have. This last one is like worshipping an idol.
1 My brothers, perhaps a man has done something wrong. If so, you who are strong in the Spirit must help him to do the right thing again. Help him in a gentle way. Take care yourself, that you are not tried and will want to do wrong.
2 Help each other in your troubles. In that way you obey Christs law.
20 No one will be put right with God because he has tried to obey the law. The law only makes people know what they have done wrong.
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23 All have done wrong and all are far from being as good as God.
24 But God is kind and makes them right with himself. It is a gift. He does it because Christ Jesus paid the price to set them free.