35 That is like what my Father in heaven will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.
21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked him, Lord, how many times should I forgive my brother when he does wrong things to me? Should I forgive him seven times?
22 Jesus answered him, I say not seven times only, but seventy times seven.
7 Jesus Christ has given his blood died to make us free. He has forgiven us for our wrong ways. We have been put right with God freely because of his great kindness.
7 Jesus Christ has given his blood died to make us free. He has forgiven us for our wrong ways. We have been put right with God freely because of his great kindness.
12 "Forgive us for the wrong things we have done, the way we forgive those who have done wrong things to us.
13 He has set us free from the kingdom where it is dark. And he has put us into the kingdom where his dear Son rules.
14 Because of his Son, we are set free and the wrong things we have done are forgiven.
12 I will be kind even when they do what is not right, and I will never remember the wrong things they do.
30 In times past God did not look at what people did. They did not know any better then. But now he is calling all people to stop doing those things.
14 If you forgive others for the wrong things they have done, then your Father in heaven will forgive you.
11 She said, No one, Sir. Jesus said, I also do not judge you. Go, and do no wrong thing again.
14 If you forgive others for the wrong things they have done, then your Father in heaven will forgive you.
15 But if you do not forgive others, your Father will not forgive you for the wrong things you have done.
37 Do not judge others and you will not be judged. Do not punish others, and you will not be punished. Let others go free and God will let you go free.
19 Stop doing wrong things. Turn to God again. Then the wrong things you have done will be wiped away altogether. The Lord will give you a new start and make you very glad.
38 Men and brothers, understand this. It is because of this Jesus that we tell you your wrong ways will be forgiven you.
39 The law of Moses could not make you free. But this man makes you free. You will not be judged if you believe in him.
25 When you stand and talk with God, forgive others for the wrong things they have done to you. Then your Father in heaven will also forgive you for the wrong things you have done.
25 When you stand and talk with God, forgive others for the wrong things they have done to you. Then your Father in heaven will also forgive you for the wrong things you have done.
26 But if you do not forgive others, your Father in heaven will not forgive you for the wrong things you have done.
15 Take care that no one loses Gods blessing. Take care so that no angry feeling starts to grow in anyone. It will make trouble and many people will become bad.
13 Be patient with one another. If any one has a complaint against another, forgive that one. Christ forgave you. So you should forgive each other.
34 Jesus said, Father, forgive them! They do not know what they are doing. The soldiers played a game to see how they should divide his clothes.
3 Take care! If your brother does something bad, tell him what he has done. If he is sorry, then forgive him.
4 Maybe he will do wrong to you seven times in one day. But if he comes to you seven times in one day and says, "I am sorry for what I did," then you must forgive him.
13 Be patient with one another. If any one has a complaint against another, forgive that one. Christ forgave you. So you should forgive each other.
25 When you stand and talk with God, forgive others for the wrong things they have done to you. Then your Father in heaven will also forgive you for the wrong things you have done.
37 Do not judge others and you will not be judged. Do not punish others, and you will not be punished. Let others go free and God will let you go free.
9 Let us tell God about our wrong ways. God can be trusted. He does what is right. He will forgive us for the wrong things we have done. He will make us clean from all that was wrong.
5 That man has been punished enough by what most of you did to him.
6 So now, you ought to forgive him and comfort him. If you do not, then he may be so sad he cannot bear it.
7 So I beg you, show your love to him again.
8 Here is why I wrote to you. I wanted to test you to find out if you obey me in all matters.
9 Let us tell God about our wrong ways. God can be trusted. He does what is right. He will forgive us for the wrong things we have done. He will make us clean from all that was wrong.
32 Be kind to one another. Have a loving and understanding heart. Forgive one another because God has forgiven you for Christs sake.
13 Be patient with one another. If any one has a complaint against another, forgive that one. Christ forgave you. So you should forgive each other.
14 Is any one of you sick? He should call for the leaders of the church people. They should talk to God about him and put oil on him in the name of the Lord.
15 Because they talk to God, and believe, he will hear them. The sick man will be healed. The Lord will make him well again. If the sick man has done wrong things, the Lord will forgive him.
32 Be kind to one another. Have a loving and understanding heart. Forgive one another because God has forgiven you for Christs sake.
38 Stop your wrong ways and turn back to God, answered Peter. And then everyone of you can be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ. Your wrong ways will be forgiven you, and you will receive the Holy Spirit.
21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked him, Lord, how many times should I forgive my brother when he does wrong things to me? Should I forgive him seven times?
22 Jesus answered him, I say not seven times only, but seventy times seven.
2 He himself is the sacrifice God offered to pay for the wrong we have done. And he pays for the wrong things all people in all the world have done.
7 God makes happy those who are kind. He will be kind to them.
32 Be kind to one another. Have a loving and understanding heart. Forgive one another because God has forgiven you for Christs sake.
37 Do not judge others and you will not be judged. Do not punish others, and you will not be punished. Let others go free and God will let you go free.
14 If you forgive others for the wrong things they have done, then your Father in heaven will forgive you.
15 But if you do not forgive others, your Father will not forgive you for the wrong things you have done.
21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked him, Lord, how many times should I forgive my brother when he does wrong things to me? Should I forgive him seven times?
22 Jesus answered him, I say not seven times only, but seventy times seven.