11 God has wonderful power. And we ask him to give you all the strength you need to go through all your troubles, to be very patient in them, and to be happy.
17 These signs will be with those who believe. They will drive bad spirits out of people by using my name. They will speak new languages.
18 They will take up snakes. If they drink poison, it will not make them sick. They will put their hands on sick people and sick people will get well again.
13 But you were kind to help me when I was in trouble.
7 God has not given us a spirit of fear. But he has given us a spirit of power and love and self-control.
20 The place where God rules is not a matter of talk, but of power.
10 Use everything that God has given you so that you can fight against the tricks of the devil.
39 Then Jesus got up. He said to the wind and the sea, Stop! The wind stopped. Then all was quiet.
40 Then he said to the disciples, Why do you fear? Do you not believe in God?
41 The disciples were surprised. They said to each other, What kind of man is this? Even the wind and the sea obey him.
8 But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power. You will speak of me in Jerusalem and all around in Judea and Samaria and everywhere in the world.
7 So let God control you. Fight the devil and he will run away from you.
12 Gods word is living and full of power. It is more sharp than any sword that cuts on both sides. What God says cuts through and divides the mind and spirit. It cuts through and divides the place where the bones are joined, and the part inside the bone. What God says is able to judge the things people think and plan in their hearts.
19 I have given you power over all the power of the enemy. Nothing will hurt you.
12 I tell you the truth. The person who believes in me will do the big work that I do. And he will do even bigger work because I go to my Father.