17 All people will hate you because you are true to me.
18 But you will not lose one hair from your heads.
19 If you keep on being true to me, you will live for ever.
22 If we ask God for something, we get it. We get it because we obey his laws. We get it because we do what pleases him.
3 But the Lord can be trusted. He will make you strong. He will keep you safe from all that is wrong.
15 I do not ask you to take them out of the world. But I ask you to take care of them, so that the evil one of this world will not harm them.
18 We know that any child of God does not do wrong things. The Son of God keeps him safe and the devil cannot touch him.
6 So we can be strong and say, The Lord will help me. I will not be afraid. What can men do to me?
11 We are not fighting against people of flesh and blood. But we are fighting against rulers and powers whom we cannot see. We are fighting against those who control the darkness of this world, and against bad spirits who have power in the air.
11 I am not in the world any longer. But they are in the world. And I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep them in your name, which you have given me. Then they will be one, just as you and I are one.
12 While I was with them, I took care of them in your name, which you gave me. I have taken care of them. Only one of them is lost. That is the one who was born to be lost. What your book says came true.
11 We are not fighting against people of flesh and blood. But we are fighting against rulers and powers whom we cannot see. We are fighting against those who control the darkness of this world, and against bad spirits who have power in the air.
12 So use everything that God has given you, that you can fight when the bad time comes. You will need to do everything you can do to stand!
10 Because people love money they do all kinds of wrong things. Some people have stopped believing in God because they want money so much. And it brings them many troubles.
7 So let God control you. Fight the devil and he will run away from you.
33 Work first for Gods kingdom and what he calls good. Then you will have all these things also.
7 Ask, and you will get what you ask for. Look, and you will find what you look for. Knock, and the door will be opened for you.
8 Everyone who asks will get. The one who looks will find. And the one who knocks will have the door opened for him.
8 Do not be like them. Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
35 Jesus said to them, When I sent you out to the towns, I told you not to carry a money bag, or a bag, or shoes. Did you ever need anything at that time? They said, No.
6 So then, we must not go to sleep like other people. No, we must keep watching and not get drunk.
14 It is the same with those who work telling the good news. The Lord said they should get their living from that work.
19 Praise God our Father for ever. Yes, he will do it.
22 When you ask God for anything, believe that you will have it. Then you will have it.
14 And we are sure God will do this. If we ask him for anything that he wants us to have, he will listen to us.
15 And if we know he listens to us when we ask for anything, then we know that we have what we asked him for.
11 You are wrong, and yet you know how to give good things to your children. Much more, your Father in heaven will give good things to those who ask him.
13 But you were kind to help me when I was in trouble.
29 Are not two sparrows worth only a small amount of money? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father knowing about it.
30 Even the number of hairs on your head is known.
31 So do not fear. You are worth more than many sparrows.
31 So what shall we say about this? If God is on our side, who can be against us?