18 No one has ever seen God. But his only Son is very near to his Fathers heart. He has told us plainly about God.
13 He has given us of his own Spirit. That is how we know that we are in him and he is in us.
5 Do not worry about anything. Talk to God about everything. Thank him for what you have. Ask him for what you need.
13 At one time you were far away, but now you have been brought near to God by the blood death of Jesus Christ.
9 Heal the sick people in the town. Tell the people, "The kingdom of God has come to you."
11 Now, my brothers, in closing I say, Goodbye. Be what you should be. Listen to what I say. Be good to each other. Agree with one another. Live in peace with one another. And the God who gives love and peace will be with you.
16 The Lord gives peace. May he give his peace to you at all times in every way. May the Lord be with you all.
18 I will not leave you without someone to help you. And I myself will come back to you.