14 Christ gave himself for us so that he might make us free from all that is wrong. He gave himself to make us into clean people who belong to him and want to do good.
3 He shines as bright as God. He is just like God himself. He holds up the world by the power of his word. He made people clean from their wrong ways. Then he sat down beside God in heaven.
21 The water of baptism is like that. It saves you. It does not save you because it washes dirt from your bodies. But it saves you because you bring yourselves to God with a clean heart. It saves you because Jesus Christ has been raised from death.
8 Come to God and he will come to you. You bad people, make your hands clean! You love what is good and what is wrong at the same time. Make your hearts clean.
20 But he said, What comes out of a person makes him dirty. 21,
21 Here is what comes from the heart: wrong thoughts, all kinds of adultery, stealing, killing, wanting things that other people have, doing very wrong things, fooling people, breaking the law, jealousy, saying wrong things about people, being proud, being foolish.
22 All these wrong things come from a persons heart and make him dirty.
23 Then Jesus went away to the country of Tyre and Sidon. He went into a house and did not want anyone to know he was there. But he could not hide from the people.
16 Now, why do you wait? Get up and be baptised. Wash away your wrong ways by calling on the name of the Lord!"
3 What I said to you has made you clean already.
9 Let us tell God about our wrong ways. God can be trusted. He does what is right. He will forgive us for the wrong things we have done. He will make us clean from all that was wrong.
7 Do we live in the light, as God is in the light? Then we belong with others who belong to him. And the blood of the death of Jesus Christ makes us clean from all the wrong things we have done.
2 My dear brothers, we are Gods children now. No one knows yet what we shall be like. But we know that when Jesus comes, we will be like him. We will see him as he really is.
3 Everyone who has this hope about Christ makes his life holy. He makes his life holy and clean, just as Christ is holy.
1 My dear people, since God has promised us these things, we should make ourselves clean. We should clean out everything that makes our lives or our spirits dirty. We should try to be altogether holy because we respect God with fear. place in your hearts. We have not done wrong to anyone. We have not hurt anyone. We have not taken anything from anyone.
14 If the blood of animals can do that, then the blood of Christ will clean our hearts much better. Christ gave himself to God as the sacrifice. He did this by the Spirit who lives for ever. He was a perfect sacrifice. He will clean our hearts from useless acts of worship. Then we can serve the living God.
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church people. He gave his life for the church.
26 He did that so that he might make the church people holy, when they were washed with water by Gods word.