22 Yes, by the old law almost everything is made clean with blood. If no animal is killed to give blood, then there is no way for people to be forgiven for the wrong things they have done.
53 Jesus said, I tell you the truth. If you do not eat the Son of Man and do not drink his blood, you will not have life.
54 Anyone who eats me and drinks my blood will live for ever. I will raise him up at the last day.
7 Jesus Christ has given his blood died to make us free. He has forgiven us for our wrong ways. We have been put right with God freely because of his great kindness.
7 Do we live in the light, as God is in the light? Then we belong with others who belong to him. And the blood of the death of Jesus Christ makes us clean from all the wrong things we have done.
5 May Jesus Christ bless you and give you peace. What he says is true. He was the first to rise from death. And he is ruler of the kings of the earth. He loves us. By his own blood death he has made us free from the wrong things we have done.
18 You know this. You lived the way your fathers taught you to live, and it was not a good way to live. You were bought and set free from that way of life. But you were not bought with silver or gold money, which can spoil.
19 You were bought with blood that is worth much. It is like the blood of a sheep that is perfect with nothing wrong in its body. You were bought with the blood of Christ.
11 They have won the fight against him by the blood of the Lambs death, and by what they said. They did not try to save their lives, but were willing to die.
28 This is my blood. My blood is the blood of the new agreement. It is given so that many people will be forgiven for the wrong things they did.
28 The Holy Spirit has made you leaders over his people. Watch yourselves. Like one who takes care of his sheep, so you must take care of the church people. They are the Lords people. He gave his blood for them.
25 God gave him as a sacrifice. When people believe in him, his blood pays for the wrong things they have done. This shows that God is good and right. He was right when he forgave the wrong things that people did long ago.
13 At one time you were far away, but now you have been brought near to God by the blood death of Jesus Christ.
12 So also Jesus was put to death outside the town. Then he could make the people holy by his own blood.
4 The blood of bulls and goats can never clean wrong things from peoples hearts.
6 There was water and there was blood when Jesus Christ came. There was not water only, but there was water and there was blood. The Spirit proves this is true, because the Spirit is true.
13 The priest takes the blood of bulls and goats, and the ashes from a young cow that has been burned. He puts this on the people who have done wrong things. This makes their bodies clean.
14 If the blood of animals can do that, then the blood of Christ will clean our hearts much better. Christ gave himself to God as the sacrifice. He did this by the Spirit who lives for ever. He was a perfect sacrifice. He will clean our hearts from useless acts of worship. Then we can serve the living God.
9 The blood of Christ has now put us right with God. So even more, he will save us from Gods strong anger.
24 You have come to Jesus who is the middle man of a new agreement. You have come to the place where the spilling of his blood has more power than Abels.