3 As Gods people, you should not even talk about wrong living, any kind of wrong sex or wanting things you cannot have.
14 Try to be at peace with all people. And try to be holy. If a person is not holy, he will not see the Lord.
15 But be holy in all the things you do. Be holy because the one who has called you is holy.
16 God says in the holy writings, You must be holy, because I am holy.
3 As Gods people, you should not even talk about wrong living, any kind of wrong sex or wanting things you cannot have.
3 This is what God wants. He wants you to live clean lives. He wants you to keep away from wrong sex.
4 Each of you should know how to control yourself. Honour your body to make it holy.
5 Do not have sex with a person you are not married to. Control your strong feelings. Do not act like the people who do not know God.
6 Do not do wrong to your Christian brother by taking his wife for yourself. The Lord will surely punish all those who do wrong in these things. We have already told you that and made it very clear.
7 God did not call us to live unclean lives. He wants you to live clean and holy lives.
5 Think the same way Jesus Christ thought.
4 Before the world was made, God chose us in Christ. He chose us that we should be holy and good before him.
16 You know that you are Gods house. The spirit of God lives in you.
1 God has been kind to you. So I ask you, brothers, give your bodies to him like a living sacrifice. That is, a holy sacrifice. It will please God. And it is what you should do for him.
15 But be holy in all the things you do. Be holy because the one who has called you is holy.
16 God says in the holy writings, You must be holy, because I am holy.
1 My dear people, since God has promised us these things, we should make ourselves clean. We should clean out everything that makes our lives or our spirits dirty. We should try to be altogether holy because we respect God with fear. place in your hearts. We have not done wrong to anyone. We have not hurt anyone. We have not taken anything from anyone.
16 No person lights a lamp and covers it with a basket or puts it under a bed. But he puts it on the place for a lamp. Then people who come in can see the light.
21 At one time you were far away from God. You hated him in your hearts and you did wrong things.
22 But now Christ himself has died on a cross, and he has brought you back to God. Christ will bring you before God holy, clean, and good.
23 But you must keep on believing and stand strong and true. Let nothing shake the hope which the good news brought you. You heard the same good news as is told to everyone in the whole world. I, Paul, was given the work of telling that same good news.
19 I speak the way people would think about such things, because your minds are weak. At one time you gave your bodies to be slaves to your unclean ways, and to do more and more wrong things. So now give your bodies to be slaves to doing what is right, and to being good.
2 Our Christian brother Sosthenes and I send greetings to the people who are the church of God in the city of Corinth. You are people whom Christ Jesus has made holy. You, too, are chosen to be Gods people. And we send greetings to all the people everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is their Lord, just as he is our Lord.
22 Stop being the person you used to be in your old life. That person was bad because he wanted to do wrong things.
23 Have a new mind and heart.
24 Be a new person. That new person has been made like God. He does what is right and holy because he knows the truth.
1 My dear people, since God has promised us these things, we should make ourselves clean. We should clean out everything that makes our lives or our spirits dirty. We should try to be altogether holy because we respect God with fear. place in your hearts. We have not done wrong to anyone. We have not hurt anyone. We have not taken anything from anyone.
9 God saved us and called us to live a holy life. He did not do it because of the good things we have done. He did it because he himself planned to do it, and wanted to do it. That was the blessing he gave us in Christ Jesus. He had this plan before he made the world.
17 Make them clean by the true word and keep them for yourself. Your word is true.
1 Does Christ speak to you? Does love call to you? Do you have a part in the Holy Spirit? Do you have any love and care for others?
2 Then make me very, very happy. Live in happiness with one another. Have the same love for each other. Think the same way. Agree together about things. All have one purpose in mind.
3 Do not try to prove you are better than others. Do not be proud of yourselves, but be humble. Think of other people as being better than yourselves.
4 Each one of you should not think only about himself, but about other people also.
5 Think the same way Jesus Christ thought.
6 He was in every way like God. Yet he did not think that being equal to God was something he must hold on to.
7 He gave this up and became a servant. He was born a baby.
8 And when he was a man, he was humble. He was even willing to die, yes, to die on a cross.
9 That is why God has made him very great. God has given him a name above every name.
10 Everyone in heaven, everyone on earth, and everyone under the earth will kneel before the name of Jesus.
11 Everyone will admit that Jesus Christ is Lord. They will praise God the Father for this.
12 My dear people, you have always obeyed me. God has saved you from wrong ways. Now show this by the good things that you do. You must live that way, not only when I am with you, but much more now that I am not with you. Think of how wrong it will be if you do not. Try hard to work out how to do it.
13 For God is at work in you. He helps you want to do it. And he helps you do what he wants you to do.
14 Do everything without grumbling or making trouble.
15 In that way you will be completely good. No one will be able to say anything wrong about you. You will be Gods good children living amongst bad people. Among them you will shine like lights in the world.
16 You will have the message of life for them. I will be proud of you when Christ comes. My work and trouble will not be for nothing.
17 The life you live because you believe in God is like a sacrifice. Even if I am killed, it will be like wine which people pour on a sacrifice. I am happy to do this for you, and I am happy about you.
18 In the same way you must be happy. And you must be happy about me.
19 I hope the Lord Jesus will let me send Timothy to you soon. I will be glad to hear about you.
20 I have no one like Timothy. He is troubled to know about you.
21 All the other people think only of themselves and not of Jesus Christ.
22 But you know what a good man Timothy is. You know that he has worked with me in telling the good news. He has worked just as a son works with his father.
23 So I hope to send him to you as soon as I see what happens to me.
24 And I trust that the Lord will let me come to you soon myself.
25 I thought I must send Epaphroditus, our Christian brother, back to you. He has worked with me and has also been a soldier of Christ with me. He was your messenger and he brought your gift for my needs.
26 I am sending him back because he has been lonely without you all. And his heart has been troubled because you heard that he was sick.
27 He was very sick! He almost died! But God was kind to him. He was not only kind to him, but also to me. God did not let me have one trouble after another.
28 I want even more to send him to you so that you will be happy when you see him again. And I will not be so troubled any more.
29 So receive him with much joy because he is a Christian brother. Give respect to men like him.
30 He almost died doing the work of Christ. You wished to help me, but you could not come. He came instead. He was willing to put his life in danger in order to help me.
14 Try to be at peace with all people. And try to be holy. If a person is not holy, he will not see the Lord.
17 Brothers, I ask you to do this. Watch the people who make quarrels. They make people do wrong because they teach things you have not been taught. Have nothing to do with those people.
22 But now you have been made free from wrong ways and you have been made Gods slaves. You are made good and you will live for ever.
48 You must be good in every way, as your Father in heaven is good in every way.