8 Heal sick people. Bring dead people to life. Heal people who have leprosy. Drive bad spirits out of people You got it free, so give it free to others
2 My dear brother, I ask God that you may be all right in every way and that your body may be well. I know that your soul is all right.
8 To make the body strong helps a little, but the things of God help us in all ways. The things of God promise us life now and life in heaven.
19 Do you not know that your body is the house of the Holy Spirit who lives in you? God gave the Holy Spirit to you. Remember, you do not belong to yourself.
20 But you were bought and paid for. So then, bring glory to God with your bodies.
12 Jesus heard it. He said to them, People who are well do not need a doctor. But sick people need him.