11 Do not hold back in what you do. Let the Spirit burn in you. Work hard for the Lord.
13 Do not use your bodies to do wrong things. But give yourselves to God like men who have been raised from death to life. Give your bodies to God and use them to do good things.
35 He sat down and called the twelve disciples to him. He said, The way to be first is to put yourself last and be a servant to the others.
24 No man can work for two masters. He will hate one and love the other. Or he will obey one and despise the other. You cannot work for both God and money.
16 Respect all men. Love your Christian brothers. Fear God. Respect the king.
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28 The Son of Man did not come to have others help him. But he came to help others. He came to give his life to make many people free.
21 His master said, "You have done well. You are a good servant. I can trust you. You have taken good care of a few things. I will put you in charge of many things. Come, have a good time with your master."
26 If anyone wants to do my work, he must go where I go. Then he and I will be together. My Father will honour everyone who works for me.
26 But that is not the way it is among you. Anyone among you who wants to be great will help the others.
27 Anyone among you who wants to be first will be a servant to the others.
14 I am your Lord and Master and have washed your feet. If I do that, then you should wash one anothers feet.
13 You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not take that to mean that you can do as you please. But work for each other because you love each other.
14 If the blood of animals can do that, then the blood of Christ will clean our hearts much better. Christ gave himself to God as the sacrifice. He did this by the Spirit who lives for ever. He was a perfect sacrifice. He will clean our hearts from useless acts of worship. Then we can serve the living God.
16 All that is written in the holy writings comes from the Spirit of God. The holy writings are good for these things: to teach people, to show them when they are wrong, to make them see what is right, to teach them to do what is right.
17 In this way a person who belongs to God has all he needs. He is ready for every kind of good work.
45 The Son of Man did not come to have others help him. But he came to help others. He came to give his life to make many people free.