36 So if the Son makes you free, you will be truly free.
1 God has been kind to you. So I ask you, brothers, give your bodies to him like a living sacrifice. That is, a holy sacrifice. It will please God. And it is what you should do for him.
2 Do not be like the people of this world, but have a new mind. Then you will prove for yourselves what God wants you to do. That will be good. It will please God. And it will be all right.
31 Jesus said to the Jews who believed in him, If you obey my word, you are truly my disciples.
32 And you will understand the truth and the truth will make you free.
13 You are like salt in the world. If salt has lost its taste, how can it be made salty again? Salt that has no taste is good for nothing. The only thing to do is to throw it out on the road.
11 The holy writings say, The Lord says, "As sure as I live, every knee will bow to me. Every tongue will praise God."
12 So each of us will tell God about what he has done.
13 "Do not test us but help us, so that no one will make us do wrong. Deliver us from the evil one. The kingdom and power and praise belong to you for ever. Amen!"
1 Christ has made us really free. So, stay free! Do not let yourselves be made slaves again.
12 I am free to do anything I want, but some things are not good for me to do. I am free to do anything, but I will not become a slave of anything.
18 Do not get drunk with wine. That is living in a wrong way. But be filled with the Spirit.
21 They want what other people have. They even kill. They drink too much strong drink. They like to take part in loud drinking and dancing. They do other things like these. I have told you before and I tell you again. Those who do these things will not be in the kingdom of God.
23 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have stopped doing the wrong things they want to do. They have stopped them just as if they were killed on a cross. And they have even stopped wanting to do them.
36 So if the Son makes you free, you will be truly free.
13 No testing has come to you that other people do not have. But God will not fail you. He will not allow the testing to be too hard for you. No. When the testing comes, God will make a way out for you, so that you can go through the testing.
2 For the rest of his life on earth he will not do what people want to do. He will do what God wants him to do.
3 In the time past you did the same things as people who do not believe God. Let that be enough. You did things you should be ashamed of. You did what you wanted to do. You got drunk. You got into fights. You took part in noisy feasting with dancing. You did wrong by worshipping idols.
4 Those people are surprised now that you do not do the same wrong things they do. And they say wrong things about you.
5 They will have to explain what they are doing. They will have to talk to God about what they have done. He is ready to judge living people and dead people.
6 That is why the good news was also told to those who are now dead. They will be judged like men who are alive. This was done so that they could live like God in the spirit.
7 It is almost the time when the world will end. So be wise and watch and talk to God.
3 You know this, that when you prove you believe, you become stronger to take troubles.
9 Do you not know that bad people will have no part in the kingdom where God rules? Do not be fooled. There are some people who will not have part in that place. They are those who commit adultery of any kind, those who have idols, or steal, or are always wanting more, or talk wrong things about people, or drink plenty of strong drink, or take things by force, or curse.
11 Some of you were like that. But now you have been washed and made holy. The Spirit of our God has made you right by the name of the Lord Jesus.
16 Nothing in the world comes from the Father. I mean the wrong things people like to do with their bodies. I mean the things people see and want to have. I mean all the things people are proud of in this life. These things come from the world, not the Father.
11 So you also must think you are dead, and stop your wrong ways. And you must think you are living for God along with Christ Jesus our Lord.
12 Do not let wrong things rule over your bodies that are going to die. Do not do the things your bodies want.
13 Do not use your bodies to do wrong things. But give yourselves to God like men who have been raised from death to life. Give your bodies to God and use them to do good things.
41 Watch and talk with God, so that you will not do wrong. A persons heart can want to do it, but his body is weak.
7 So let God control you. Fight the devil and he will run away from you.
34 Jesus answered them, I tell you the truth. People who do wrong things are not free. They become a slave of the wrong things they do.
23 Do not drink water only. But drink a little wine to help your stomach because you are sick so often.
5 Have we shared with Christ and died as he died? Then we shall share with him by rising from death as he arose.
6 We know this is true. The old person we used to be was nailed to the cross with him, so that our bodies which do wrong things would die. Then we will no longer be like slaves to the wrong things we used to do.
12 I am free to do anything I want, but some things are not good for me to do. I am free to do anything, but I will not become a slave of anything.
13 No testing has come to you that other people do not have. But God will not fail you. He will not allow the testing to be too hard for you. No. When the testing comes, God will make a way out for you, so that you can go through the testing.
8 Do we say, We have no wrong ways?Then we are fooling ourselves, and we do not know what is true.
9 Let us tell God about our wrong ways. God can be trusted. He does what is right. He will forgive us for the wrong things we have done. He will make us clean from all that was wrong.
11 Gods loving kindness has come. It is through that blessing that all men are saved.
12 It teaches us to say no to the things that are not true of God, and to the things of this world. It teaches us to use good sense, to do what is right, and to please God while we live in this world.
19 Do you not know that your body is the house of the Holy Spirit who lives in you? God gave the Holy Spirit to you. Remember, you do not belong to yourself.