22 The but fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, fidelity, meekness, self control;
23 against the such like not is a law.
6 Without but faith impossible to have pleased; to believe for it is necessary the one coming near to the God, because he is, and to those seeking him a rewarder he becomes.
2 looking away to the of the faith leader and perfecter Jesus, who in return for the being placed before him joy, endured a cross, shame disregarding, at right and of the throne of the God has sat down.
16 Always rejoice you.
17 Unceasingly pray you;
18 in every thing give you thanks; this for will of God in Anointed Jesus concerning you.
15 To rejoice with rejoicing ones, and to weep with weeping ones.
12 in the hope rejoicing; in the affliction being patient; in the prayer constantly attending;
17 Not for is the kingdom of the God eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in spirit holy;
17 Not for is the kingdom of the God eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in spirit holy;
11 These things I have spoken to you, that the joy the mine in you may abide, and the joy of you may be fulfilled.
11 These things I have spoken to you, that the joy the mine in you may abide, and the joy of you may be fulfilled.
7 Each one as he purposes in the heart; not from grief, or from necessity; a cheerful for giver loves the God.
24 Till now not you asked nothing in the name of me; ask you, and you shall receive, so that the joy of you may be completed.
8 whom not seeing you love, on whom, now not looking, believing but, you rejoice with a joy unspeakable and having been glorified,
9 obtaining the end of the faith of you, a salvation of souls.
8 whom not seeing you love, on whom, now not looking, believing but, you rejoice with a joy unspeakable and having been glorified,
9 obtaining the end of the faith of you, a salvation of souls.
32 so that with joy I may come to you through will of God, and may take rest together with you.
4 Rejoice you in Lord always; again I say, rejoice you.
4 Rejoice you in Lord always; again I say, rejoice you.
22 And you therefore sorrow indeed now have; again but I will see you, and will be rejoiced of you the heart, and the joy of you no one takes from you;
6 It is but gain great the piety with a competency.
10 Wherefore I am wellpleased with weaknesses, with insults, with necessities, with persecutions, with distresses on behalf of Anointed; when for I may be weak, then strong I am.
7 I say to you, that thus joy will be in the heaven over one sinner reforming, than over ninetynine just ones, who no need have of reformation.
44 Again like is the kingdom of the heaven to a treasure having been hid in the field, which finding a man be hides, and from the joy of him he goes, and all as much he has sells, and buys the field that.
2 All joy do you esteem, brethren of me, when temptations you may fall into various;
3 knowing, that the proof of you of the faith works out patience.
13 The and God of the hope to fill you all of joy and of peace in the believing, in order that to abound, you in the hope, in power of spirit holy.
17 To those rich ones in the present age do thou charge not to be highmined, nor to have confidence in wealth uncertain, but in the God the living, in that offering to us all things richly for enjoyment;