35 Said but to them the Jesus: I am the bread of the life; he coming to me, not not may hunger; and he believing into me, not not may thirst ever.
46 Every day and constantly attending with one mind in the temple, breaking and at home bread, they were partaking of food in gladness and singleness of heart,
47 praising the God, and having favor with whole the people. The and Lord was adding those being saved everyday to the congregation.
20 Lo, I have stood at the door, and knock; if any one may have heard the voice of me, and may have opened the door, I will go in to him, and sup with him, and he with me.
10 The and one supplying seed to the one sowing and bread for food, will supply and will multiply the sowing of you, and will increase the products of the righteousness of you;
16 Not therefore any one you let judge in food or in drink, or in respect of a feast, or of a new moon, or of sabbaths;
17 which are a shadow of the things about coming, the but body of Anointed. Colossians
27 Work you not the food that perishing, but the food that abiding into life agelasting, which the son of the man to you will give; him for the Father sealed the God.
6 Blessed the hungering and thirsting the righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
3 The one eating, the not one eating not despise; and the not eating, the one eating not judge; the God for him received to himself.
2 as newborn babes, the rational sincere milk earnestly desire you, so that by it you may grow to salvation;
31 Whether then you eat, or you drink, or anything you do, all things for glory of God do you.
16 Taking and the five loaves and the two fishes, looking up to the heaven, he blessed them; and broke and gave to the disciples, to set before the crowd.
17 And they ate, and were satisfied all; and was taken up that having been left to them of fragments, baskets twelve.
4 He but answering said: It is written: Not by bread alone shall live a man; but by every word proceeding from mouth of God.
7 Nothing for we brought into the world; evident, that neither to carry out any thing are we able.
8 Having and foods and coverings, with these things we shall be satisfied.
33 Seek you but first the kingdom of the God and the righteousness of him, and these all shall be superadded to you.
25 For this I say to you: Not be over careful the life of you, what you may eat, and what you may drink; nor to the body of you, what you may put on. Not the life more is the food, and the body the clothing?