13 Come now those saying: Today and tomorrow we may go into this the city, and we may stay there a year one, and may trade, and may acquire gain;
14 who not are acquainted with that of the morrow; (what for the life of you? a vapor for it is that for a little appearing, then and not appearing;)
15 instead of the to say you: If the Lord may be willing and we may live, and we may do this or that;
16 now but you boast in the proud speeches of you. All boasting such evil is.
17 Knowing therefore right to do, and not doing sin to him it is.
10 They indeed for for a few days, according to that seeming right to them, disciplined; he but for that being profitable, in order that to partake of the holiness of him.
11 All but discipline as to indeed that being present not seems of joy to be but of grief; afterwards but fruit peaceful to those through her having been trained it returns of righteousness.
3 Blessed the God and Father of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed, that according to the great of himself mercy having begotten us to a hope of life through a resurrection of Jesus Anointed, out of dead ones,
12 Not that already I received, or already have been perfected; I pursue but, if indeed I may lay hold, in respect to which also I was laid hold of by Anointed.
13 Brethren, I myself not reckon to have laid hold;
14 one but, the things even behind forgetting, the things but before stretching out to, according to a mark I pursue towards the prize of the above calling of the God in Anointed Jesus.
15 As many as then mature ones, this should mind; and if in anything differently you think, even this thing the God to you will reveal;
14 besides all and these the love, which is a bond of the completeness;
15 and the peace of the Anointed one let preside in the hearts of you, for which also you were called in one body; and thankful ones become you.
17 So that if any one in Anointed, new creation; the things old passed away, lo, has become new the all things.
13 Brethren, I myself not reckon to have laid hold;
14 one but, the things even behind forgetting, the things but before stretching out to, according to a mark I pursue towards the prize of the above calling of the God in Anointed Jesus.