11 Shone forth for the favor of the God that saving for all men,
12 admonishing us, so that having renounced the impiety and the worldly desires, prudently and righteously and piously we may live in the present age;
22 The but fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, fidelity, meekness, self control;
23 against the such like not is a law.
27 but I browbeat of me the body and lead it captive, lest possibly to others having proclaimed, myself without proof should become.
7 not for gave to us the God a spirit of timidity, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
25 Every one but the contending, all things possesses selfcontrol; they indeed therefore, that a perishable wreath they may receive; we but, an imperishable.
6 So then not we may sleep, as even the others, but we should watch and we should not drink;
5 also very this thing and diligence all having brought in beside; do you superadd to the faith of you the fortitude, to and the fortitude the knowledge,
6 to and the knowledge the selfcontrol, to and the selfcontrol the patience, to and the patience the piety,
7 to and the piety the brotherlykindness, to and the brotherkindness the love.
12 because not is to us the comfort with blood and flesh, but with the governments, with the authorities, with the worldrulers of the darkness of this, with the spiritual things of the evil one, in the heavenlies.
13 A temptation you not has taken if not being belonging to man; faithful but the God, who not will permit you to be tempted above what you are able, but will make you with the temptation also the way out, that you may be able to bear up under.
19 Therefore, brethren of me beloved ones, let be every man quick in order that to have heard, slow in order that to have spoken, slow in order to wrath.
2 and not conform yourselves to take age this, but transform yourselves by the renovation of the mind of you, in order that to prove you, what the will of the God, the good and wellpleasing and perfect.
8 See you yourselves, that not we may lose the things we performed, but a reward full we may receive.