31 And having prayed of them was shaken the place, in which they were assembled; and they were filled all of a spirit holy, and spoke the word of the God with freedom.
19 Going forth disciple you all the nations, immersing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit;
20 teaching them to observe all, whatever I have charged you. And lo, I with you am all the days, till the end of the age.
13 Has been divided the Anointed? not Paul was crucified on behalf of you? or into the name of Paul were you dipped?
14 I give thanks to the God, that no one of you I dipped, if not Crispus and Gaius;
15 so that not any one may say, that into the my name I dipped.
16 I dipped and also the Stephanas house; remainder not I know, if any other I dipped.
17 Not for sent me Anointed to dip, but to announce glad tidings; not in wisdom of speech, so that not may be of no effect the cross of the Anointed.
38 Peter and said to them: Reform you, and be dipped each one of you in the name of Jesus Anointed, for forgiveness of sins, and you shall receive the gifts of the holy spirit.
36 As and they were going in the way, they came to a certain water, and said the eunuch: Lo, water; what hinders me to be dipped?
37 And he ordered to stand the chariot; and they went down both into the water the, both Philip and the eunuch; and he dipped him.
38 When and they came up out of the water, spirit of Lord seized the Philip; and now saw him no longer the eunuch; he went for the way of himself rejoicing.
39 Philip but found into Azotus; and passing through he announced glad tidings the cities all, till of the to come him into Caesarea.
5 Answered Jesus: Indeed indeed I say to thee, if not any one may be born out of water and spirit, not is able to enter into the kingdom of the God.
13 Even for in one spirit we all into one body were dipped; whether Jews, or Greeks, whether slaves, or freeman; and all into one spirit were made to drink.
4 Said and Paul: John dipped a dipping of reformation, to the people saying, into him coming after him that they should believe; that is, into the Jesus.
41 They indeed therefore gladly having received the word of him, were dipped; and were added the day that souls about three thousand.
18 And approaching the Jesus, spoke to them, saying: Has been given to me all authority in heaven and on earth.
19 Going forth disciple you all the nations, immersing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit;
20 teaching them to observe all, whatever I have charged you. And lo, I with you am all the days, till the end of the age.
12 When but they believed the Philip announcing glad tidings the things concerning the kingdom of the God and the name of Jesus Anointed, they were dipped men both and women.
13 The and Simon and himself believed, and having been dipped he was constantly attending to the Philip; beholding and miracles and signs great being done, he was amazed.
13 If then you, evil being, know you gifts good to give to the children of you, how much more the Father that of heaven, will give a spirit holy to those asking him?
5 that John indeed dipped in water, you but shall be dipped in spirit holy, not after many these days.
5 Having heard and they were dipped into the name of the Lord Jesus.
6 And having placed to them the Paul the hands, come the spirit the holy upon them, they spoke and with tongues and prophesied.
5 Answered Jesus: Indeed indeed I say to thee, if not any one may be born out of water and spirit, not is able to enter into the kingdom of the God.
2 Not let it be. Who we died by the sin, how still shall we live in it?
3 Or are you ignorant, that as many as were dipped into Anointed Jesus, into the death of him were dipped?
4 We were buried together therefore with him through the dipping into the death, that as was raised up Anointed out of dead ones through the glory of the Father, so also we in newness of life should walk.
5 If for planted together we have become in the likeness of the death of him, certainly also of the resurrection we shall be;
6 this knowing, that the old of us man was crucified with, that might be rendered powerless the body of the sin, of the no longer to be enslaved us in the sin;
7 he for having died has been justified from the sin.
3 Or are you ignorant, that as many as were dipped into Anointed Jesus, into the death of him were dipped?
4 We were buried together therefore with him through the dipping into the death, that as was raised up Anointed out of dead ones through the glory of the Father, so also we in newness of life should walk.
16 He having believed and having been dipped, shall be saved; he but not having believed, shall be condemned.
21 which also us a representation now saves a dipping, (not of flesh a putting away of fifth, but a conscience good seeking after towards God,) through resurrection of Jesus Anointed;
33 And I not knew him; but he having sent me to dip in water, he to me said: On whom thou mayest see the spirit coming down, and abiding on him, this is he dipping in spirit holy.
3 Or are you ignorant, that as many as were dipped into Anointed Jesus, into the death of him were dipped?
5 not from of works of those in righteousness which did we, but according to of himself mercy he saved us, through a bath of a new birth, and a renovation of spirit holy,
6 And having placed to them the Paul the hands, come the spirit the holy upon them, they spoke and with tongues and prophesied.
38 Peter and said to them: Reform you, and be dipped each one of you in the name of Jesus Anointed, for forgiveness of sins, and you shall receive the gifts of the holy spirit.
21 It occurred and in the to have been dipped all the people, and Jesus having been dipped and praying, to have been opened the heaven,
22 and to descend the spirit the holy in a bodily form, like a dove, upon him, and a voice out of heaven to have come saying Thou art the son of me the beloved in thee I delight.
12 having been buried with him by the dipping; in which also you were raised by means of the faith of the strong working of the God of that one having raised him out of dead ones;
47 Not the water to forbid is able any that not to be dipped these, who the spirit the holy received as even we?
15 And said to them: Having gone into the world all, publish the glad tidings to all the creation.
16 He having believed and having been dipped, shall be saved; he but not having believed, shall be condemned.
13 Even for in one spirit we all into one body were dipped; whether Jews, or Greeks, whether slaves, or freeman; and all into one spirit were made to drink.
9 And it came to pass in those the days, came Jesus from Nazareth of the Galilee, and was dipped by John into the Jordan.
10 And immediately ascending from the water, he saw rending the heavens, and the spirit, as a dove, descending upon him.
26 All for sons of God you are through the faith in Anointed Jesus; Galatians
27 as many as for into Anointed were dipped, Anointed you were clothed.
33 And I not knew him; but he having sent me to dip in water, he to me said: On whom thou mayest see the spirit coming down, and abiding on him, this is he dipping in spirit holy.
13 Then comes the Jesus from the Galilee to the Jordan to the John, of the to be dipped by him.
47 Not the water to forbid is able any that not to be dipped these, who the spirit the holy received as even we?
48 He directed and them to be dipped in the name of the Lord. Then they asked him to remain days some.
5 Having heard and they were dipped into the name of the Lord Jesus.
16 And now why dost thou delay? having arisen be thou dipped, and wash thyself from the sins of thee, having invoked the name of him.
8 But you shall receive power having come the holy spirit upon you; and you shall be to me witnesses in both Jerusalem, and in all the Judea and in Samaria, and even to farthest part of the land.