18 The wives, submit yourselves to the husbands, as it has been proper in Lord. Colossians
19 The husbands, love you the wives, and not be you embittered against them. Colossians
3 To the wife the husband the debt let render; in like manner and also the wife to the husband.
4 The wife of the own body not controls, but the husband; in like manner and also the husband the own body not controls, but the wife.
14 besides all and these the love, which is a bond of the completeness;
15 and the peace of the Anointed one let preside in the hearts of you, for which also you were called in one body; and thankful ones become you.
16 The word of the Anointed let dwell in you richly; in all wisdom teaching, and admonishing each other in psalms and in hymns and in songs spiritual, with favor singing in the hearts of you to the God;
17 and every thing, whatever you may do, in word or in work, all in name of Lord Jesus, giving thanks to the God and Father through him.
5 Put you to death therefore the members of you those on the earth, fornication, impurity, passion, desire evil, and the covetousness, which is idol worship;
4 Honorable the marriage among all, and the bed undefiled; fornicators but and adulterers will judge the God.
15 See you, no one evil in place of evil to any one should render; but always the good pursue you both towards each other and towards all.
27 They ate, they drank, they married, they were given in marriage, till of which day entered Noah into the ark; and came the flood, and destroyed all.
25 The husbands, love you the wives of yourselves, even as also the Anointed loved the congregation, and himself delivered up on behalf of her,
26 so that her he might sanctify, having cleansed in the bath of the water by a word; Ephesians
18 Flee you the fornication. All sins which if may do a man, outside of the body is; he but committing fornication against the own body sins.
19 Or not know you, that the body of you a temple of the in you holy spirit is, which you have from God, and not you are of yourselves?
20 You were brought for a price; glorify you therefore the God in the body of you.
2 The for bound to a man woman to the living husband is bound by law; if but may die the husband, she is freed from the law of the husband.
3 So then living the husband an adulteress she will be called, if she should be to a man another; if but should die the husband, free she is from law, of the not to be her an adulteress, having become to a man another.
25 The husbands, love you the wives of yourselves, even as also the Anointed loved the congregation, and himself delivered up on behalf of her,
26 so that her he might sanctify, having cleansed in the bath of the water by a word; Ephesians
27 that might place beside he himself glorious the congregation, not having a spot or blemish or any of such like things, but that she might be holy and blameless.
28 Thus are obligated the husbands to love the of themselves wives, as the of themselves bodies. He loving the of himself wife, himself loves;
29 no one for ever the of himself flesh hated, but nourishes and cherishes her; as even the Anointed the congregation;
30 because members we are of the body of him, out of the flesh of him, and out of the bones of him.
14 Has been sanctified for the husband the unbelieving in the wife, and has been sanctified the wife the unbelieving in the husband; otherwise indeed the children of you unclean is, now but holy is.
10 for fornicators, for sodomites, for manstealers, for liars, for oathbreakers, and if anything other to the sound teaching is opposed,
3 Fornication but and all impurity or unbridled lust not even let it be named among you, (as it becomes holy ones,)
31 It was said and: that whoever shall release the wife of him, let him give her a bill of divorce.
32 I but say to you, that whoever may release the wife of him, except on account of fornication, makes her to commit adultery; and whoever her being divorced, may marry, commits adultery.
4 The love suffers long, is gentle; the love not envies; the love not is boastful, not is puffed up,
5 not acts unbecomingly, not seeks the things of herself, not is provoked to anger, not imputes the evil,
6 not rejoices in the iniquity, rejoices with but the truth,
7 all things covers, all things believes, all things hopes, all things endures;
2 on account of but the fornications each man the of himself wife let have, and each woman the own husband let have.
8 I say but to the unmarried and to the widow; good for them, if they should remain as even I;
9 if but not they possess selfcontrol, let him marry; better for it is to have married, than to be inflamed.
10 To those but having been married I charge, not I, but the Lord, a wife from an husband not to be separated.
11 (if but even she should be separated, let her remain unmarried, or to the husband let her be reconciled;) and a husband a wife not to dismiss.
6 So that no longer they are two, but flesh one. What then the God has joined together, a man not disunites.
19 Manifest but it is the works of the flesh; which things it is fornication, impurity, debauchery,
20 idolatry, sorcery, enmities, quarrels, jealousies, resentments, brawlings, factions, sects,
21 envying, murderers, drunkennesses, revellings, and the things like of them; which things I tell before you, even as also I said before, that they the these things practising a kingdom of God not shall inherit.
4 He and answering said to them: Not have you read, that the Creator from a beginning a male and a female he made them?
5 and said: On account of this shall leave a man the father and the mother, and shall be closely united to the wife of him; and shall be the two into flesh one.
6 So that no longer they are two, but flesh one. What then the God has joined together, a man not disunites.
8 When thou mayest be invited by any one to marriagefeasts, not thou mayest recline in the first reclining place; least a more honorable of thee may be having been invited by him;
21 and not reformed from the murders of themselves, nor from the sorceries of themselves, nor from the fornication of themselves, nor from the thefts of themselves.
28 Thus are obligated the husbands to love the of themselves wives, as the of themselves bodies. He loving the of himself wife, himself loves;
29 no one for ever the of himself flesh hated, but nourishes and cherishes her; as even the Anointed the congregation;
30 because members we are of the body of him, out of the flesh of him, and out of the bones of him.
22 the wives to the own husbands be you submissive, as to the Lord; Ephesians
23 because a husband is a head of the wife, as even the Anointed a head of the congregation; he is a preserver of the body.
24 But even as the congregation is subjected to the Anointed, thus also the wives to the own husbands in everything.
3 This for is will of the God, the sanctification of you; to abstain you from the fornication;
4 to have known each one of you the of himself vessel to possess in satisfaction and honor,
5 not in passion of inordinate desire, as even the Gentiles those not knowing the God;
3 To the wife the husband the debt let render; in like manner and also the wife to the husband.
4 The wife of the own body not controls, but the husband; in like manner and also the husband the own body not controls, but the wife.
5 Not do you deprive each other, if not from agreement for a season, so that you may be at leisure for the prayer; and again to the same you may be, so that not may tempt you the adversary through the incontinence of you.
14 besides all and these the love, which is a bond of the completeness;
36 And was Anna a prophetess, a daughter of Phanuel, of tribe of Aser; she having been advanced in days many, having lived years with a husband seven from the virginity of herself;
29 And all who left houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or fields, on account of the name of me, a hundred fold shall receive, and life agelasting shall inherit.
4 They and said: Moses allowed a scroll of separation to be written, and to release.
5 And answering the Jesus said to them: For the hardness of heart of you he wrote to you the commandment this.
6 From but a beginning of creation a male and a female he made them the God
7 On account of this shall leave a man the father of himself and the mother, and shall be closely united to the wife of himself.
8 And shall be the two into flesh one. So that no longer they are two, but one flesh.
9 What then the God has joined together, a man not disunites.
25 The husbands, love you the wives of yourselves, even as also the Anointed loved the congregation, and himself delivered up on behalf of her,
26 so that her he might sanctify, having cleansed in the bath of the water by a word; Ephesians
27 that might place beside he himself glorious the congregation, not having a spot or blemish or any of such like things, but that she might be holy and blameless.
28 Thus are obligated the husbands to love the of themselves wives, as the of themselves bodies. He loving the of himself wife, himself loves;
6 if any one is irreproachable, of one wife a husband, children having believing, not under an accusation of profligacy, or of insubordination.
27 You have heard, that it was said: Not thou shalt commit adultery.
28 I but say to you, that all who looking at a woman in order to lust after her, already has debauched her in the heart of him.
1 Concerning but what things you wrote to me, good for a man a woman not to touch;
2 on account of but the fornications each man the of himself wife let have, and each woman the own husband let have.
32 I wish but you free from anxieties to be. The unmarried cares for the things of the Lord, how he shall please the Lord;
33 hew but having married cares for the things of the world, how he shall please the wife.
34 Has been divided the wife and the virgin; the unmarried cares for the things of the Lord, so that may be holy both in body and in spirit; the but one having married cares for the things of the world, how she shall please the husband.
7 The husbands like manner, dwelling with according to knowledge as a weaker vessel with the female, bestowing honor as also being jointheirs of gracious gift of life, in order that not to be hindered the prayers of you.
31 On account of this shall leave a man the father of himself and the mother, and shall be closely joined to the wife of himself, and will be the two into flesh one.
22 the wives to the own husbands be you submissive, as to the Lord; Ephesians
23 because a husband is a head of the wife, as even the Anointed a head of the congregation; he is a preserver of the body.
24 But even as the congregation is subjected to the Anointed, thus also the wives to the own husbands in everything.
25 The husbands, love you the wives of yourselves, even as also the Anointed loved the congregation, and himself delivered up on behalf of her,
26 so that her he might sanctify, having cleansed in the bath of the water by a word; Ephesians
27 that might place beside he himself glorious the congregation, not having a spot or blemish or any of such like things, but that she might be holy and blameless.
28 Thus are obligated the husbands to love the of themselves wives, as the of themselves bodies. He loving the of himself wife, himself loves;
29 no one for ever the of himself flesh hated, but nourishes and cherishes her; as even the Anointed the congregation;
30 because members we are of the body of him, out of the flesh of him, and out of the bones of him.
31 On account of this shall leave a man the father of himself and the mother, and shall be closely joined to the wife of himself, and will be the two into flesh one.
32 The secret this great is; I but speak about Anointed, and about the congregation.
33 But also you the every one, each one the of himself wife thus let love as himself; the and wife so that she may reverence the husband.
22 the wives to the own husbands be you submissive, as to the Lord; Ephesians
23 because a husband is a head of the wife, as even the Anointed a head of the congregation; he is a preserver of the body.
13 The foods for the belly, and the belly for the foods; the but God both this and these will make useless. The and body not for the fornication, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body;
14 the and God both the Lord raised up, and us will rise up through the power of himself.
9 Or not know you, that unjust ones of God a kingdom not shall inherit? Not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminates, nor Sodomites,
10 nor thieves, nor covetous persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, not extortioners, a kingdom of God not shall inherit.
7 The husbands like manner, dwelling with according to knowledge as a weaker vessel with the female, bestowing honor as also being jointheirs of gracious gift of life, in order that not to be hindered the prayers of you.
2 because true and righteous the judgment of him; because he judged the harlot the great, which corrupted the earth with the fornication of herself, and avenged the blood of the bondservants of himself from hand of her.
4 Honorable the marriage among all, and the bed undefiled; fornicators but and adulterers will judge the God.
3 To the wife the husband the debt let render; in like manner and also the wife to the husband.
4 The wife of the own body not controls, but the husband; in like manner and also the husband the own body not controls, but the wife.
5 Not do you deprive each other, if not from agreement for a season, so that you may be at leisure for the prayer; and again to the same you may be, so that not may tempt you the adversary through the incontinence of you.
4 Honorable the marriage among all, and the bed undefiled; fornicators but and adulterers will judge the God.
2 It behooves then the overseer unblamable to be, of one wife a husband, vigilant, sedate, orderly, hospitable, fit to teach;
12 Servants let be of one wife a husband, children well presiding over and of the own houses.
20 But I have against thee, because thou lettest alone the wife of thee Jezebel, the one calling herself a prophetess, and she teaches and seduces the my bondservants, to fornicate and to eat idol sacrifices.
24 saying: O teacher, Moses said: If any one should die not having children, shall marry the brother of him the wife of him, and shall raise seed to the brother of him.
30 In for the resurrection neither they marry, nor are given in marriage, but as messengers of the God in heaven are.
33 But also you the every one, each one the of himself wife thus let love as himself; the and wife so that she may reverence the husband.
33 But also you the every one, each one the of himself wife thus let love as himself; the and wife so that she may reverence the husband.
10 Having raised up and the Jesus, and no one seeing but the woman, said to her: The woman, where are those the accusers of thee? no one thee condemned?
11 She and said: No one, O lord. Said and to her the Jesus: Neither I thee condemn; go, and no longer do thou sin.
1 Actually is heard among you fornication, and such fornication, which not even among the Gentiles, as a wife one of the father to have.
2 And you having been puffed up are? and not rather lamented, so that might be removed from midst of you he the work this having done?
12 And if a woman may release the husband of herself, and may be married to another, commits adultery.
5 and said: On account of this shall leave a man the father and the mother, and shall be closely united to the wife of him; and shall be the two into flesh one.
6 So that no longer they are two, but flesh one. What then the God has joined together, a man not disunites.
39 A wife is bound for so long time may live the husband of her; if but should fall asleep the husband of her, free she is to whom she wills to be married, only in Lord.
14 Not be you unequally yoking with unbelievers; what for participation righteousness and lawlessness? what and fellowship light with darkness?