23 (I in them, and thou in me); that they may be perfected into one, and that may know the world, that thou me didst send, and thou didst love them, as me thou didst love.
44 All and those believing were in the same, and had all things common,
45 and the possessions and the goods they were selling; and they were dividing them to all, as any one need had.
46 Every day and constantly attending with one mind in the temple, breaking and at home bread, they were partaking of food in gladness and singleness of heart,
47 praising the God, and having favor with whole the people. The and Lord was adding those being saved everyday to the congregation.
2 Of each other the burdens bear you, and thus fulfil you the law of the Anointed.
34 A commandment new I give to you, that you may love each other; as I loved you, that also you might love each other.
35 By this will know all that to me disciples you are, if love you have in each other.
3 what we have seen and we have heard, we declare to you, so that also you fellowship may have with us; indeed the fellowship and the our with the Father and with the son of him Jesus Anointed.
11 Wherefore comfort you each other, and build you up one the other, as even you do.
12 this and is, to be comforted together, among you through the in each other faith, of you and also of me.
25 not leaving off the assembling together of ourselves, as a custom with some, but exhorting; and by much more, by so much you see drawing near the day.
16 By this we have known the love, because he on behalf of us the life of himself laid down; and we ought on behalf of the brethren the lives to lay down.
10 So then, as opportunity we have, we should work the good to all, especially but to the familymembers of the faith.