1 In those having been assembled of the myriads of the crowd, so as to tread upon one another, he began to say to the disciples of himself: First take heed to yourselves of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.
2 Nothing and having been covered is, which not shall be uncovered; and secret, which not shall be known.
3 On which account what in the dark you speak, in the light shall be heard; and what to the ear you spoke in the closets, shall be published on the housetops.
4 I say and to you the friends of me: Not you be afraid of those killing the body, and after these not having more anything to have done.
5 I will point out and to you, whom you should fear; you should fear the after the to have killed, authority having to cast into the gehenna; yes I say to you, this fear you.
6 Not five sparrows are sold assarii two? and one out of them not is being forgotten in presence of the God.
7 But also the hairs of the head of you all have been numbered. Not therefore fear you; many sparrows you are better.
8 I say and to you: All whoever may confess to me in presence of the men, also the son of the man will confess in him in presence of the messengers of the God.
9 He but having denied me in presence of the men, will be denied in presence of the messengers of the God.
10 And all who shall speak a word against the son of the man, it will be forgiven to him; to the but against the holy spirit having spoken evil not will be forgiven.
11 When and they may bring you to the synagogues and the rulers and the authorities, not be you anxious, how or what you may answer, or what you may say;
12 the for holy spirit will teach you in this the hour, what it is proper to say.
13 Said and one to him out of the crowd: O teacher, speak to the brother of me to divide with me the inheritance.
14 He and said to him: O man, who me appointed a judge or a divider over you?
15 He said and to them: See you and beware you of the covetousness; because not in the to abound any one the life of him is out of the possessions of him.
16 He spoke and a parable to them, saying: A man certain rich yielded plentifully the farm.
17 And he reasoned in himself, saying: What shall i do? because not I have where I will gather the fruits of me.
18 And he said: This will do; I will pull down of me the barns, and greater I will build; and I will collect there all the products of me, and the fruits of me;
19 and I will say to the soul of me: Soul, thou hast many good things being laid up for years many; rest thou, eat, drink, be glad.
20 Said but to him the God: O unwise, this the night the life of thee they require from thee; what and thou hast prepared, for whom shall be?
21 Thus he laying up treasure for himself, and not for God being rich.
22 He said and to the disciples of himself: Through this to you I say, not be you anxious for the life of you, what you may eat; nor for the body, what you may put on.
23 The life greater it is of the food; and the body of the clothing.
24 Observe you the ravens, that not they sow, nor reap; for whom not is a storehouse, nor a barn; and the God feeds them. How much more you are valuable of the birds?
25 Which and of you being anxious is able to add to the age of himself span one?
26 If then not even least you are able why about the remaining ones are you anxious?
27 Observe you the lilies, how it grows; not it labors, nor it spins. I say but to you, not even Solomon in all the glory of himself was clothed like one of these.
28 If and the grass in the field, today existing and tomorrow into an oven is being cast, the God so clothes, how much more you, O you of weak faith?
29 And you not seek, what you may eat or what you may drink; and not be you in anxiety.
30 These for all the nations of the world seeks; of you and the Father knows, that you have need of these.
31 But seek you the kingdom of the God, and these all shall be superadded to you.
32 Not fear, the little flock; for it has pleased the Father of you to give to you the kingdom.
33 Sell you the possessions of you, and give you alms. Make for yourselves bags not growing old, a treasure exhaustless in the heavens, where a thief not approaches, nor moth destroys.
34 Where for is the treasure of you, there also the heart of you will be.
35 Let be of you the loins having been girded, and the lamps burning;
36 and you like to men looking for the lord of themselves, when he will return from the marriage feasts; that having come and having knocked, immediately it may be opened to him.
37 Blessed the salves those, whom having come the lord shall find watching; indeed i say to you, that he will grid himself, and will make to recline them, and going forth he will minister to them.
38 And if he may come in the second watch, and in the third watch they come, and may find thus; blessed are the slaves those.
39 This and know you, that, if had known the householder, in what hour the thief comes, he would watch, and not would allow to dig through the house of himself.
40 And you therefore be prepared; because, in the hour not you think, the son of the man comes.
41 Said and to him the Peter: O lord, to us the parable this thou sayest, or also to all?
42 Said and the Lord: Who then is the faithful steward, the wise, whom will appoint the lord over the domestics of himself the to give in season the measure of food?
43 Blessed the slave that, whom coming the lord of him will find doing thus.
44 Truly I say to you, that over all to the belonging of himself he will appoint him.
45 If but should say the slave that in the heart of himself: Delays the lord of me to come; and shall begin to strike the servants and maidens, to eat and also to drink and to be drunken;
46 will come the lord the slave that in a day, to which not he looks, an in an hour which not he knows; and shall cut a sunder him, and the part of him with the unbelievers will place.
47 That and the slave who having known the will of the lord of himself, and not having prepared, neither having done according to the will of him shall be beaten many;
48 he but not having known, having done and deserving of stripes shall be beaten few. To all and to whom is given much, much will be required from him; and to whom they have entrusted much, more they will ask him.
49 Fire i came to throw into the earth; and what do I wish, if already it were kindled.
50 A dipping and i have to be dipped; and how I am pressed, till may be finished.
51 Do you think, that peace I came to give in the earth? No, I say to you, but rather division.
52 Shall be for from the now five in a house one having been divided, three against two, and two against three.
53 Will be divided a father against a son, and a son against a father; a mother against a daughter, and a daughter against a mother; a motherinlaw against the daughterinlaw of herself, and a daughterinlaw against the motherinlaw of herself.
54 He said and also to the crowd: When you see the cloud rising from west, immediately you say: A shower comes; and it happens so.
55 And when south wind is blowing, you say: That burning heat shall be; and it happens.
56 O hypocrites, the face of the earth and of the heaven you know to discern; the but season this how not do you discern?
57 Why and even of yourselves not judge you the right?
58 When for thou goest with the opponent of thee to a ruler, in the way give thou labor to be set free from him; lest he may drag thee to the judge, and the judge thee may deliver to the officer, and the officer thee may cast into prison.
59 I say to thee, not not thou mayest come out thence, till even the last lepton thou hast paid.
19 Or not know you, that the body of you a temple of the in you holy spirit is, which you have from God, and not you are of yourselves?
20 You were brought for a price; glorify you therefore the God in the body of you.
29 If and the eye of thee the right ensnare thee, tear out it, and cast it from thee, it is profitable for to thee, that should perish one of the members of thee, and not whole the body her, and cast from thee;
13 Even for in one spirit we all into one body were dipped; whether Jews, or Greeks, whether slaves, or freeman; and all into one spirit were made to drink.
2 Many for we stumble all; if any one in word not stumbles, this a perfect man, able to bridle and whole the body.
8 The for bodily discipline for a little it is profitable; the but piety for all things profitable it is, a promise having of life of the now and of that about coming.
27 but I browbeat of me the body and lead it captive, lest possibly to others having proclaimed, myself without proof should become.
25 For this I say to you: Not be over careful the life of you, what you may eat, and what you may drink; nor to the body of you, what you may put on. Not the life more is the food, and the body the clothing?
3 And if I bestow all the possessions of me, and if I should give the body of me so that it should be burned, love but not have, nothing I am profited.
41 Watch you and pray you, that not you enter into temptations; and indeed spirit ready, the but flesh weak.
22 the wives to the own husbands be you submissive, as to the Lord; Ephesians
23 because a husband is a head of the wife, as even the Anointed a head of the congregation; he is a preserver of the body.
15 and the peace of the Anointed one let preside in the hearts of you, for which also you were called in one body; and thankful ones become you.
4 Just as for in one body members many we have, the but members all not the same has operation;
5 thus the many one body we are in Anointed, the but each one, of each other members.
16 Wherefore not we faint; but if even the outward of us man is wasted, yet the inward is renewed by day and by day.
28 And not be afraid of those killing the body, the but life not being able to kill; be afraid but rather that being able both life and body to destroy in Gehenna.
24 who the sins of us himself carried up in the body of himself to the tree, that to the sins having died, to the righteousness we may live; of whom by the scars of him you were healed.
4 One body and one spirit, even as also you were called in one hope of the calling of you;