36 And these things having said, having placed the knees of himself, with all those he prayed.
37 Much and was weeping of all; and having fallen on the neck of the Paul, they affectionately kissed him;
38 sorrowing most of all for the word which he spoke, that no more, they are about the face of him to see. They accompanied and him to the ship.
10 The rest, brethren of me, strengthen yourselves in Lord and in the power of the might of him.
33 Having spent and a time, they were dismissed with peace from the brethren to those having sent them.
11 Lastly, brethren, rejoice you, be you restored, be you comforted, the same think you, be you at peace; and the God of the love and peace shall be with you.
11 Lastly, brethren, rejoice you, be you restored, be you comforted, the same think you, be you at peace; and the God of the love and peace shall be with you.
12 Salute you each other with a holy kiss;
13 salute you the saints all.
14 The favor of the Lord Jesus Anointed, and the love of the God, and the joint participation of the holy spirit with all of you.
17 We but, brethren, having been bereaved from you for a season an hour, in face, not a heart, more earnestly we endeavored the face of you to see with much desire.
8 a witness for of me is the God, how I long after all of you in bowels of Anointed Jesus.
61 Said and also another I will follow thee, O master; first but permit thou me to bid farewell to those in the house of me.
62 Said but to him the Jesus: No one having put the hand of himself on a plough, and looking for the things behind, welldisposed is for the kingdom of the God.
25 The favor with all of you. So be it.
1 After and the to be restrained the tumult, having called to the Paul the disciples, and having embraced, he went out to go into the Macedonia.