10 Be you humbled in presence of the Lord, and he will lift up you.
19 We love him, because he first loved us.
7 Not do you mistake; God not is to be mocked at. That for if may sow a man, this also he will reap;
16 And we have known and we have believed the love, which has the God in us. The God love is, and the one abiding in the love, in the God abides, and the God in him.
20 If any one may say: That I love the God, and the brother of himself he may hate, a liar he is; the for not one loving the brother of himself, whom he has seen, the God, whom not he has seen, how is he able to love?
12 If we love each other, the God in us abides, and the love of him having been perfected it is in us.
4 Rejoice you in Lord always; again I say, rejoice you.
4 (Every for house is built by some one; he but the things all having built, God.)
13 all things I am strong in the one strengthening me.