28 We know and, that to those who love the God all things work together for good, to those according to a purpose called being.
29 Because whom he foreknew, also he before marked out copies of the likeness of the son of himself for the to be him a firstborn among many brethren.
30 Whom and he before marked out, those also he called; and whom he called, those also he justified whom and he justified, those also he glorified.
10 Therefore rather, brethren, do you earnestly strive sure of you the calling and election to make; these things for doing not not you may fail at any time.
11 So for richly will be furnished to you the entrance into the agelasting kingdom of the Lord of us and Savior Jesus Anointed.
13 who delivered us from the authority of the darkness, and caused a change of sides for the kingdom of the son of the love of himself;
14 in whom we have the redemption the forgiveness of the sins;
44 No one is able to come to me, if not the Father, that having sent me, may draw him, and I will raise up him in the last day.
5 Hear you, brethren of me beloved ones, not the God chose the poor of the world rich ones in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he promised to those loving him?
38 Peter and said to them: Reform you, and be dipped each one of you in the name of Jesus Anointed, for forgiveness of sins, and you shall receive the gifts of the holy spirit.
39 To you for is the promise and to the children of you, and to all those at a distance as many as may call Lord the God of us.
8 Not therefore thou mayest be ashamed of the testimony of the Lord of us, nor me the prisoner of him; but participate in suffering evil for the glad tidings according to power of God,
9 of the one having saved us and having called with a calling holy, not according to the works of us, but according to own purpose and favor that having been given to us in Anointed Jesus before times agelasting,
10 having been manifested but now through the appearance of the savior of us Jesus Anointed, having rendered powerless indeed the death, having illuminated but life and incorruptibility by means of the glad tidings,
14 Many for are called, few but picked out.
10 The and God of all favor that one having called us into the agelasting of himself glory by Anointed Jesus, a little having suffered, himself to complete you, he will confirm, he will strengthen, he will establish.
26 You see for the calling of you, brethren, that not many wise ones according to flesh, not many strong ones, not many wellborn;
27 but the foolish things of the world chose the God, that the wise ones he may shame; and the weak things of the world chose the God, that he may shame the powerful ones;
18 Having been enlightened the eyes of the heart of you, for the to know you, what is the hope of the calling of you, and what the wealth of the glory of the inheritance of him in the holy ones,
19 and what the surpassing greatness of the power of him towards us, those believing according to the operation of the strength of the might of him,
6 having been persuaded same this thing, that the one having begun in you a work good, will complete till a day of Jesus Anointed;