4 If but any widow children or grandchildren has, let them be taught first the own house to be dutiful, and a recompense to render to the progenitors; this for is acceptable in presence of the God.
21 The woman when she may bear, sorrow has, because has come the hour of her; when but she may have borne the child, no more she remembers of the distress, on account of the joy, that was born a man into the world.
52 And Jesus advanced in wisdom, and in vigor, and in favor with God and men.
1 The children, be you subject to the parents of you in Lord; this thing for is just. Ephesians
2 Honor the father of thee and the mother; (which is a commandment first, with a promise;)
3 that well with thee it may be, and thou mayest be longlived on the land; Ephesians
14 Seeing but the Jesus was displeased, and said to them: Allow the little children to come to me, not hinder them; of the for such like is the kingdom of the God.
7 If discipline you endure, as with sons with you deals the God; any for is son, whom not disciplines a father?
8 If but without you are discipline, of which partakes have become all, certainly bastards you are and not sons.
11 If then you, bad ones being, know gifts good to give to the children of you, how much more the Father of you, that in the heavens, give good to those asking him?
1 See you, what love has given to us the Father, so that children of God we should be called. On account of this the world not knows us, because not it knew him.
20 The children, be you subject to the parents in all things; this for is wellpleasing in Lord.
4 and the fathers, not irritate you the children of you, but bring you up them in disciples and instruction of Lord.
21 The fathers, not do you provoke the children of you, so that not they may be discouraged.