17 And it shall be in the last the days, say the God, I will pour out from of the spirit of me upon all flesh; and shall prophesy the sons of you and the daughters of you, and the young men of you visions shall see, and the old men of you dreams shall dream;
18 and even on the maleslaves of me and on the femaleslaves of me in the days those I will pour out from of the spirit of me, and they shall prophesy.
19 And I will give prodigies in the heaven above, and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and a cloud of smoke;
20 the sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, sooner than to come the day of Lord the great and illustrations.
21 And it shall be, every one who may call upon the name of Lord, shall be saved.
51 Lo, a mystery to you I speak: All indeed not we shall be asleep; all but which we shall be changed,
52 in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, in the last trumpet. (It shall sound for, and the dead ones shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.)
14 And shall be published this the glad tidings of the kingdom in whole the habitable, for a testimony to all the nations; and then shall come the end.
1 This but know thou, that in latter days will be present seasons trying.
2 Will be for the men selflovers, moneylovers, boasters, haughty ones, revilers, to parents disobedient, unthankful ones, unholy ones,
3 void of natural affection, implacable, accusers, without selfcontrol, fierce ones, without love to good men,
4 betrayers, rash ones, having been puffed up, pleasurelovers rather than Godlovers;
5 having a form of piety, the but power of her having denied. Also these turn away from.
34 Take heed but to yourselves, lest should be burdened of you the hearts with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and anxieties of life; and suddenly on you may come the day that.
35 As a snare for it will come on all those dwelling on face of all of the earth.
36 Watch you then in every season, praying, that you may be accounted worthy to escape these all the things being about to occur, and to stand in presence of the son of the man.
29 Immediately but after the affliction of the days those, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon not shall give the light of her, and the stars shall fall from the heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.
30 And then shall appear the sign of the son of the man in the heaven; and then shall lament all the tribes of the earth, and they shall see the son of the man coming upon the clouds of the heaven, with power and glory much;
31 and he will send the messengers of him with of trumpet a voice great; and they shall gather the chosen (ones) of him from the four winds, from extremities of heavens to extremities of them.
15 This for to you we may say by word of Lord, that we the living ones those being left over to the coming of the Lord, not not may precede those having slept.
16 Because himself the lord with a command, with a voice of a chief messenger, and with a trumpet of God will come down from heaven, and the dead ones in Anointed will be raised first;
17 afterwards we the living ones those being left over at the same time with them shall be caught away in clouds for a meeting of the Lord into air; and so always with Lord shall we be.
18 Therefore comfort you each other in the words these.
32 Concerning but the day that or the hour no one knows, nor the messengers, those in heaven, nor the son, if not the Father.
42 Watch you therefore, because not you know, in what hour the lord of you comes.
43 This but know you, that if had known the householder in what watch the thief comes, he would have watched, and not would have allowed to be dugthrough the house of him.
44 On account of this also you be ready; because in which hour not you think, the son of the man comes.
8 One but this not let escape you, beloved ones, that one day with Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day one.
9 Not is slow the Lord of the promise, as some slowness account; but is longsuffering towards us not desiring some to perish, but all for a reformation to come.
10 Will come but the day of Lord as a thief, in which the heavens with a rushing sound will pass away, elements and burning intensely will be dissolved, and earth and all in her works will be burned up.
11 Of these things therefore all being dissolved, what ones it behooves to be you in holy conduct and piety;
12 looking for and hastening the presence of the of the God day, on account of which heavens being on fire will be dissolved, and elements burning intensely melts.
13 New but heavens and earth new according to the promise of him we look for, in which righteousness dwells.
1 And I saw a heaven new and earth new; the for first heaven and the first earth were gone, and the sea not is longer.
2 And the city the holy, Jerusalem new I saw coming down out of the heaven, from the God having been prepared as a bride having been adorned for the husband of herself.
3 And I heard a voice great out of the heaven, saying: Lo, the tabernacle of the God with the men, and will tabernacle with them, and they a people of him shall be, and himself the God with them will be, a God of them;
4 and he will wipe away every tear from the eyes of them, and the death not shall be longer; neither mourning nor crying nor pain not shall be longer; because the first things passed away.
20 teaching them to observe all, whatever I have charged you. And lo, I with you am all the days, till the end of the age.