8 The but end, all of like mind, sympathizing ones, lovers of brethren, compassionate ones, humbleminded ones,
3 nothing in strife or vainglory, but in the lowliness of mind others esteeming exceeding yourselves;
18 The wives, submit yourselves to the husbands, as it has been proper in Lord. Colossians
19 The husbands, love you the wives, and not be you embittered against them. Colossians
12 Be you clothed therefore, as chosen ones of God holy ones and beloved ones, bowels of mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, patient endurance;
35 And sitting down, he called the twelve, and says to them: If any one desires first to be, he will be of all last, and of all a servant.
13 You for to freedom were invited, brethren; only not the freedom for an occasion the flesh, but through the love be you subservient to each other.
48 Whoever may receive this the little child in the name of me, me receives; and whoever me may receive, receives the having sent me. He for less among all you being he shall be great.
20 To the now God and Father of us the glory for the ages of the ages. So be it. Phillippians
2 When then thou doest alms, not sound a trumpet in the presence of thee, like the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have praise of the men. Indeed I say to you, they obtain the reward of them.
6 Be you humbled therefore under the mighty hand of the God, so that you he may exalt in a season;
3 Of whom let be not the outside, of braiding of hairs and placing around of golden chains or wearing of clothes, adorning;
4 but the hidden of the heart man, with the incorruptible of the meek and quiet spirit, which is in presence of the God very precious.
13 Any one wise and discreet among you? let him show out of the honorable conduct the works of himself with meekness of wisdom;
2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience; bearing with each other in love, Ephesians
28 and the lowborn of the world and the things having been despised chose the God, and the things not existing, that the things existing he may bring to nothing;
29 so that not may boast all flesh in presence of the God.
29 Take the yoke of me upon you, and be informed by me; for meek I am, and humble to the heart and you shall find a rest to the lives of you.
30 The for yoke of me easy, and the burden of me light is.
16 The same for each other minding; not the things high minding, but to the low ones conform yourselves. Not become wise with yourselves.
10 Be you humbled in presence of the Lord, and he will lift up you.