3 Then having fasted and having prayed, and having laid the hands to them, they sent forth.
28 And having come him into a house, the disciples of him asked him privately: That we not were able to cast out it?
29 And he said to them: This the kind by nothing is able to go out, if not in prayer and fasting.
29 And he said to them: This the kind by nothing is able to go out, if not in prayer and fasting.
2 Serving and of them the Lord and fasting, said the spirit the holy: Separate you indeed for me the Barnabas and the Saul for the work, which I have called them.
2 Serving and of them the Lord and fasting, said the spirit the holy: Separate you indeed for me the Barnabas and the Saul for the work, which I have called them.
3 Then having fasted and having prayed, and having laid the hands to them, they sent forth.
1 Then the Jesus was led into the desert by the spirit, to be tempted by the accuser.
2 And fasting days forty and nights forty, after he was hungry.
23 Having appointed and for them elders in every congregation, having prayed with fasting they commended them to the Lord, into whom they had believed.
17 Thou but fasting anoint of thee the head, and the face of thee wash,
18 so that not thou mayest seem to the men fasting, but to the Father of thee, that in the secret; and the Father of thee, who seeing in the secret, will give to thee.
16 When and you fast, not be, like the hypocrites, of a sad face; they disfigure for the faces of them; so that they may seem to the men to be fasting. Indeed I say to you, that they obtain the reward of them.
17 Thou but fasting anoint of thee the head, and the face of thee wash,
18 so that not thou mayest seem to the men fasting, but to the Father of thee, that in the secret; and the Father of thee, who seeing in the secret, will give to thee.
37 also she a widow about years eightyfour, who not withdrew from the temple, fastings and prayers serving night and day.
2 Serving and of them the Lord and fasting, said the spirit the holy: Separate you indeed for me the Barnabas and the Saul for the work, which I have called them.
2 days forty being tempted by the accuser. And not he ate nothing in the days those; and being ended of them, afterwards he was hungry.
33 They and said to him: Why the disciples of John fast often, and prayers make, in like manner and those of the Pharisees; those but to thee eat and drink?
34 He said to them: Not you are able the sons of the bridalchamber, in which the bridegroom with them is, to make to fast?
35 Will come but days, and when may be taken from them the bridegroom, then they will fast in those the days.
20 The and Jesus said to them: On account of the unbelief of you. Indeed for I say to you, If you have faith as a grain of mustard, you will say to the mountain this. Be thou removed from here there, and it will remove; and nothing will be impossible to you.
21 This but the kind not goes out, if not in prayer and fasting.
3 Then having fasted and having prayed, and having laid the hands to them, they sent forth.
16 When and you fast, not be, like the hypocrites, of a sad face; they disfigure for the faces of them; so that they may seem to the men to be fasting. Indeed I say to you, that they obtain the reward of them.
27 in labor and toil, in watchings often in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness.