6 The younger men in like manner do thou exhort to be prudent;
13 As in day, decently we should walk, not in revelings and in drinkings, not in whoredoms and in debaucheries, not in strife and envyings;
12 No one thee the youth let despise, but a pattern become thou of the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
5 In like manner younger ones be you subject to seniors; all but to each other being subject, the humility be you clothed with; because the God to haughty ones is in opposition, to lowly ones but he gives favor.
6 Be you humbled therefore under the mighty hand of the God, so that you he may exalt in a season;
14 I wrote to you, O fathers, because you have known him from a beginning. I wrote to you, O young men, because strong ones you are, and the word of the God in you abides, and you have overcome the evil one.
1 The children, be you subject to the parents of you in Lord; this thing for is just. Ephesians
2 Honor the father of thee and the mother; (which is a commandment first, with a promise;)
1 The children, be you subject to the parents of you in Lord; this thing for is just. Ephesians
2 Honor the father of thee and the mother; (which is a commandment first, with a promise;)
3 that well with thee it may be, and thou mayest be longlived on the land; Ephesians