37 Yet for a little while very very, the the coming one will come and not will delay.
38 The but just one by faith shall live; and if he should draw back, not delights the soul of me in him.
39 We but not are for shrinking back, to destruction; but for faith, to a saving of life.
31 When and may come the son of the man in the glory of him, and all the messengers with him, then shall be sit on a throne of glory of him,
32 and will be gathered in presence of him all the nations; and he will separate them from each other, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats;
33 and and he will place the indeed sheep by right of him, the and goats by left.
7 But I the truth say to you; it is better for you, that I should go away. If for not I should go away, the helper not will come to you; if but I go, I will send him to you.
8 And having come he will convict the world concerning sin, and concerning righteousness, and concerning judgment.
9 Concerning sin indeed, because not they believe into me;
10 concerning righteousness but, because to the Father of me I go away, and no more you behold me;
11 concerning and judgment, because the ruling of the world this has been judged.
11 And I saw a throne great white, and the one sitting on him, of whom from face fled the earth and the heaven, and a place not was found for them.
12 And I saw the dead cues, little ones and great ones, having stood in presence of the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is of the life; and were judged the dead ones out of the things having been written in the books, according to the works of them.
13 And gave up the sea the dead ones those in her, and the death and the invisible gave up the dead ones those in them; and were judged each one according to the works of themselves.
14 And the death and the invisible were cast into the lake of the fire; this the death the second is.
15 And if any one not was found in the book of the life having been written, was cast into the lake of fire.
16 Thus for loved the God the world, so that the son of himself the onlybegotten he gave, that every one who believing into him, not may be destroyed, but may have life agelasting.
17 Not for sent the God the son of himself into the world, that he might judge the world, but that might be saved the world through him.
18 He believing into him, not is judged; he but not believing, already is judged, became not he has believed into the name of the onlybegotten son of the God.
19 This and is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and loved the man rather the darkness, than the light; was for evil of them the works.
12 Lo, I come speedily, and the reward of me with me, to give back to each one as the work of him shall be.
13 I the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.
36 I say but to you, that every word idle, which if may speak the men, they shall give account, concerning this word in a day of trial.
37 By for the words of thee thou shalt be acquitted, and by the words of thee thou shalt be condemned.
16 Thus for loved the God the world, so that the son of himself the onlybegotten he gave, that every one who believing into him, not may be destroyed, but may have life agelasting.
12 Lo, I come speedily, and the reward of me with me, to give back to each one as the work of him shall be.
31 because he established a day, in which he is about to judge the habitable in righteousness, by a man whom he appointed, a guarantee having furnished to all, having raised him out of dead ones.
16 in a day when shall judge the God the things secrets of the men, according to the glad tidings of me, through Jesus Anointed.
27 And as it awaits the men once to die, after but this a judgment;
28 so also the Anointed once for all having been offered for the of many to carry away sins, a second time without sins will be seen, by those him expecting for salvation.
16 And we have known and we have believed the love, which has the God in us. The God love is, and the one abiding in the love, in the God abides, and the God in him.
17 By this has been perfected the love with us, so that boldness we may have in the day of the judgment, because as he is, also we are in the world this.
18 Fear not is in the love, but the perfect love outside casts the fear; because the fear a restraint has; the but one fearing not has been perfected in the love.
31 When and may come the son of the man in the glory of him, and all the messengers with him, then shall be sit on a throne of glory of him,
32 and will be gathered in presence of him all the nations; and he will separate them from each other, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats;
33 and and he will place the indeed sheep by right of him, the and goats by left.
34 Then will say the king to the by right of him: Come the having been blessed of the Father of me, inherit the having been prepared to you kingdom from a foundation of world.
35 I hungered for, and you gave to me to eat; I thirsted, and you gave drink to me; a stranger I was, and you entertained me;
36 naked, and you clothed me; I was sick, and you visited me; in prison I was, and you came to me.
37 Then shall answer to him the just one, saying: O lord, when thee we saw hungering, and nourished? or thirsting, and we gave drink?
38 When and thee we saw a stranger, and we entertained? or naked, and we clothed?
39 When and thee we saw sick, or in prison, and we came to thee?
40 And answering the king will say to them: Indeed I say to you, in whatever you did, to one of these of the brothers of me of the least, to me you did.
41 Then he will say also to the of left: Go from me the having been cursed into the fire the everlasting, that having been prepared to the accuser and to the messengers of him.
42 I hungered for, and not you gave to me to eat; I thirsted, and not you gave drink to me;
43 a stranger I was, and not you entertained me; naked, and not you clothed me; sick, and in prison, and not you visited me.
44 Then will answer and they, saying: O lord, when thee we saw hungering, or thirsting, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and not we served thee?
45 Then he will answer them, saying: Indeed I say to you, in as much not you did to one of these of the least, neither to me you did.
46 And shall go away these into a cuttingoff agelasting; the and just ones into life agelasting.
10 The for all us to appear it is necessary before of the tribunal of the Anointed, that may receive each one the things through the body, according to what was practised, whether good, or bad.
6 So then not we may sleep, as even the others, but we should watch and we should not drink;
7 those for sleeping, of night they sleep; and those getting drunk, of night they get drunk.
8 We but, of day being, should not drink, having put on a breastplate of faith and of love, and a helmet, a hope of salvation;
9 because not did set us the God for wrath, but for attaining of salvation by means of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed,