15 What then? shall we sin, because not we are under law, but under favor? Not let it be.
25 He but having looked intently into a law perfect that of the freedom and having continued, this not a hearer of forgetfulness having become, but a doer of work, this blessed in the doer of himself shall be.
16 as freemen, and not as a covering having of the badness the freedom, but as slaves of God.
1 In the freedom with which us Anointed made free, stand you firm, and not again in a yoke of bondage be you held fast.
31 Said then the Jesus to those having believed him Jews: If you may abide in the word the my, truly disciples of me you are,
32 and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make free you.
1 No therefore now condemnation to those in an Anointed Jesus.
2 The for law of the spirit of the life by an Anointed Jesus freed me from the law of the sin and of the death.
18 A spirit of a Lord upon me; of which on account of he has anointed me to publish glad tidings to poor ones, he has sent me to publish to captives a deliverance, and to build ones recovery of sight, to sent away those having been crushed in freedom,
1 In the freedom with which us Anointed made free, stand you firm, and not again in a yoke of bondage be you held fast.
21 Now but without law a righteousness of God has been made manifest, being attested by the law and the prophets,
22 a righteousness even of God through faith of Jesus Anointed, to all and upon all the believing; not for is a distinction.
23 All for sinned, and come short of the glory of the God,
24 being justified freely, by the of him favor, through the redemption that in Anointed Jesus;
38 Know therefore let it be to you, men brethren, that through this to you forgiveness of sins is announced;
39 and from all things, which not you are able by the law of Moses to be justified in him every one the believing is justified.
18 A spirit of a Lord upon me; of which on account of he has anointed me to publish glad tidings to poor ones, he has sent me to publish to captives a deliverance, and to build ones recovery of sight, to sent away those having been crushed in freedom,
16 as freemen, and not as a covering having of the badness the freedom, but as slaves of God.
25 He but having looked intently into a law perfect that of the freedom and having continued, this not a hearer of forgetfulness having become, but a doer of work, this blessed in the doer of himself shall be.
38 Know therefore let it be to you, men brethren, that through this to you forgiveness of sins is announced;
39 and from all things, which not you are able by the law of Moses to be justified in him every one the believing is justified.
31 Said then the Jesus to those having believed him Jews: If you may abide in the word the my, truly disciples of me you are,
32 and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make free you.
17 The but Lord the spirit is; where and the spirit of Lord there freedom.)
17 The but Lord the spirit is; where and the spirit of Lord there freedom.)
36 If then the son you may make free, really free you shall be.
36 If then the son you may make free, really free you shall be.
1 I am the vine the true, and the Father of me the vinedresser is.
2 Every branch in me, not bearing fruit, he takes away it; and every one the fruit bearing, he cleanses it, that more fruit it may bear.
3 Already you clean are, through the word, which I have spoken to you.
4 Abide you in me, and I in you. As the branch not is able fruit to bear of itself, if not it may abide in the vine; so neither you, if not in me you abide.
5 I am the vine, you the branches. He abiding in me, and I am in him, this bears fruit much; because apart from me not you are able to do nothing.
6 If not any one may abide in me, he is cast out, like the branch, and is withered; and they gather them, and into a fire they cast, and it is burned.
7 If you abide in me and the words of me in you may abide, whatever you may wish you shall ask, and it shall be for you.
8 In this was glorified the Father of me, that fruit much you might bear, and you shall be to me disciples.
22 Now but having been freed from the sin, having been enslaved and to the God, you have the fruit of you in sanctification; the and end, life agelasting.
22 Now but having been freed from the sin, having been enslaved and to the God, you have the fruit of you in sanctification; the and end, life agelasting.
1 No therefore now condemnation to those in an Anointed Jesus.
2 The for law of the spirit of the life by an Anointed Jesus freed me from the law of the sin and of the death.
3 The for inability of the law, in that it was weak through the flesh, the God the of himself son having sent in a form of flesh of sin, and on account of sin, condemned the sin in the flesh;
4 so that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled by us, by those not according to flesh walking, but according to spirit.
13 You for to freedom were invited, brethren; only not the freedom for an occasion the flesh, but through the love be you subservient to each other.
13 You for to freedom were invited, brethren; only not the freedom for an occasion the flesh, but through the love be you subservient to each other.
12 by whom we have the freedom of speech and the access with confidence, through the faith of him.
12 All things to me is lawful, but not all things is beneficial; all things to me it lawful, but not I will be brought to subjection by any one.
20 To the for vanity the creation was placed under, (not voluntarily but through him having placed under,) in hope,
21 that even itself the creation will be freed from the bondage of the corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of the God.
21 Even you, once being aliens and enemies in the mind by the works those wicked, now indeed he reconciled,