7 Every for species of wild beasts both and of birds, of reptiles both and of things in the sea, is subdued and has been subdued by the nature by that belonging to man;
8 the but tongue no one is able of men to subdue; and unruly evil, full of poison deathproducing.
9 Therefore also the God him supremely exalted, and freely granted to him a name that above every name;
10 so that in the name of Jesus every knee should bend of heavenlies and of earthlies and of underground ones,
11 and every tongue should confess, that a Lord Jesus Anointed, for glory of God a Father.
1 If with the tongues of the men I speak and of the messengers, love but I have, I have become brass sounding or a cymbal noisy.
2 Many for we stumble all; if any one in word not stumbles, this a perfect man, able to bridle and whole the body.
36 I say but to you, that every word idle, which if may speak the men, they shall give account, concerning this word in a day of trial.
37 By for the words of thee thou shalt be acquitted, and by the words of thee thou shalt be condemned.
9 By her we bless the God and Father, and by her we curse the men those according to a likeness of God having been made;
10 out of the same mouth goes forth blessing and cursing. Not ought, brethren of me, these things so to be.
11 Not the fountain out of the same opening send forth the sweet and the bitter?
12 Not is able, brethren of me, a fig tree olives to produce, or a vine figs? thus neither salt sweet to make water.
3 Lo, of the horses the bits into the mouths we put in order that to make obedient them to us, and whole the body of them we turn about.
4 Lo, also the ships, so great being, and by violent winds being driven, are turned about by a very small helm, wherever the will of the one steering pleases.
5 Thus also the tongue a little member is, and greatly boasts. Lo, a little fire how great a mass of fuel kindles.
6 And the tongue of fire, the world of the wickedness; thus the tongue is placed among the members of us, that spotting whole the body, and setting on fire the wheel of the nature, and being set on fire by the gehenna.
26 If any one thinks religious to be, not bridling tongue of himself, but deceiving heart of himself, of this vain the religion.