27 And not not may enter into her every thing common, and doing an abomination and a falsehood; if not those having been written in the scroll of the of life of the lamb.
11 And I saw a throne great white, and the one sitting on him, of whom from face fled the earth and the heaven, and a place not was found for them.
12 And I saw the dead cues, little ones and great ones, having stood in presence of the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is of the life; and were judged the dead ones out of the things having been written in the books, according to the works of them.
13 And gave up the sea the dead ones those in her, and the death and the invisible gave up the dead ones those in them; and were judged each one according to the works of themselves.
14 And the death and the invisible were cast into the lake of the fire; this the death the second is.
15 And if any one not was found in the book of the life having been written, was cast into the lake of fire.
20 But in this not rejoice, that the spirits to you are subject; rejoice you but, that the names of you are written in the heavens.
5 The one overcoming, this shall invest himself with garments white; and not not I will blot out the name of him out of the scroll of the life, and I will confess the name of him in presence of the Father of me, and in presence of the messengers of him.
8 And will worship him all those dwelling on the earth, of which not has been written the name in the scroll of the life of the lamb of that having been killed, from a casting down of a world.
3 yes I ask also thee, yokefellow O true, help thou these women, who in the glad tidings cooperated earnestly with me, with and Clement and the remaining fellowworkers of me, of whom the names in book of life.
8 The wildbeast which thou sawest, was, and not is, and is about to come up out of the abyss, and into destruction to go; and will wonder those dwelling on the earth, of whom not has been written the names on the scroll of the life from a casting down of a world, beholding the wildbeast because he was, and not is, and will be present.