14 You are the light of the world. Not possible a city to hide upon a hill being situated;
15 nor they light a lamp, and place him under the measure, but on the lampstand; and it gives light to all those in the house.
16 Thus let it shine the light of you in the presence of the men, that they may see of you the good works, and may praise the Father of you that in the heavens.
16 The people who are sitting in darkness saw a light great; and to those sitting in a region even a shade of death, a light has arisen to them.
14 Not be you unequally yoking with unbelievers; what for participation righteousness and lawlessness? what and fellowship light with darkness?
9 You but, a race chosen, a royal priesthood, a nation holy, a people for a purpose, so that the virtues you may declare of the out of darkness you one having called into the wonderful of himself light;
23 And the city not need has of the sun nor of the moon, so that they may shine in her; the for glory of the God enlightened her, and the lamp of her the lamb.
46 I a light into the world have come, that all the believing into me, in the darkness not may abide.
47 Thus for has commanded us the Lord: I have set thee for a light of nations, the to be thee for salvation to end of the earth.
19 This and is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and loved the man rather the darkness, than the light; was for evil of them the works.
20 Every one for the vile things doing, hates the light, and not comes to the light, that not may be detected the works of him.
21 He but doing the truth comes to the light, so that may be made manifest of him the works, that in God it is having been done.
4 In it life was, and the life was the light of the men;
5 and the light in the darkness shines, and the darkness it not apprehended.
5 And this is the message, which we have heard from him and announce to you, that the God light is, and darkness in him not is any.
5 While in the world I may be, light I am of the world.
3 On which account what in the dark you speak, in the light shall be heard; and what to the ear you spoke in the closets, shall be published on the housetops.
9 You but, a race chosen, a royal priesthood, a nation holy, a people for a purpose, so that the virtues you may declare of the out of darkness you one having called into the wonderful of himself light;
7 if but in the light we should walk, as he is in the light, fellowship we have with each other, and the blood of Jesus Anointed the son of him cleanses us from all sin.
5 and the light in the darkness shines, and the darkness it not apprehended.
17 Every gift good, and every gift perfect, from above is coming down from of the Father of the lights, with whom not one change, or of turning a shade;
12 Again therefore the Jesus to them spoke, saying: I am the light of the world; he following me, not not shall walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of the life.
7 if but in the light we should walk, as he is in the light, fellowship we have with each other, and the blood of Jesus Anointed the son of him cleanses us from all sin.
17 Every gift good, and every gift perfect, from above is coming down from of the Father of the lights, with whom not one change, or of turning a shade;
12 Again therefore the Jesus to them spoke, saying: I am the light of the world; he following me, not not shall walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of the life.
47 Thus for has commanded us the Lord: I have set thee for a light of nations, the to be thee for salvation to end of the earth.
5 and the light in the darkness shines, and the darkness it not apprehended.
15 nor they light a lamp, and place him under the measure, but on the lampstand; and it gives light to all those in the house.
16 Thus let it shine the light of you in the presence of the men, that they may see of you the good works, and may praise the Father of you that in the heavens.
5 And night not shall be longer; and no need of lamp and of light of sun, because Lord the God will shine on them; and they shall reign for the ages of the ages.
4 in whom the God of the age this blinded the minds of the unbelieving ones, in order that not to see distinctly the illumination of the glad tidings of the glory of the Anointed one, who is an image of the God.
5 Not for ourselves we proclaim, but Anointed Jesus a Lord; ourselves and, slaves of you through Jesus.
6 Because the God that commanding out of darkness light to shine, who shone in the hearts of us, for illumination of the knowledge of the glory of the God in face of Jesus Anointed.
34 The lamp of the body is the eye; when therefore the eye of thee sound may be, also whole the body of thee enlightened is; when but evil may be, also the body of thee darkened.
5 all for you sons of light are and sons of day; not we are of night, nor of darkness.
22 Help therefore having obtained of that from of the God, till the day this I have stood, testifying to small both and to great, nothing beyond saying, of what both the prophets spoke being about to take place, and Moses;
23 that liable to suffer the Anointed, that first from a resurrection of dead ones a light he is about to announce to the people and to the Gentiles.
14 You are the light of the world. Not possible a city to hide upon a hill being situated;
6 Because the God that commanding out of darkness light to shine, who shone in the hearts of us, for illumination of the knowledge of the glory of the God in face of Jesus Anointed.
5 And this is the message, which we have heard from him and announce to you, that the God light is, and darkness in him not is any.
6 If we should say, that fellowship we have with him and in the darkness we should walk, we speak falsely, and not we do the truth;
7 if but in the light we should walk, as he is in the light, fellowship we have with each other, and the blood of Jesus Anointed the son of him cleanses us from all sin.
18 Having been enlightened the eyes of the heart of you, for the to know you, what is the hope of the calling of you, and what the wealth of the glory of the inheritance of him in the holy ones,
16 No one and a lamp having lighted, covers him with a vessel, or under a couch places; but upon a lampstand places, that those entering may see the light.