15 Not do you love the world, not the things in the world. If any one should love the world, not is the love of the Father in him;
5 Who is the one overcoming the world, if not the one believing, that Jesus is the son of the God?
33 These things I have spoken to you, that in me peace you may have. In the world affliction you have; but be you of good courage, I have overcome the world.
33 These things I have spoken to you, that in me peace you may have. In the world affliction you have; but be you of good courage, I have overcome the world.
10 The for according to God sorrow reformation for salvation not to be repented of works out; the but of the world sorrow death works out.
20 (the things for unseen of him from creation of the world, in the things made being perceived is clearly seen, the both eternal of him power and deity;) in order that to be them inexcusable.
20 (the things for unseen of him from creation of the world, in the things made being perceived is clearly seen, the both eternal of him power and deity;) in order that to be them inexcusable.
1 See you, what love has given to us the Father, so that children of God we should be called. On account of this the world not knows us, because not it knew him.
1 See you, what love has given to us the Father, so that children of God we should be called. On account of this the world not knows us, because not it knew him.
7 Nothing for we brought into the world; evident, that neither to carry out any thing are we able.
8 Having and foods and coverings, with these things we shall be satisfied.
7 Nothing for we brought into the world; evident, that neither to carry out any thing are we able.
8 Having and foods and coverings, with these things we shall be satisfied.
4 Adulterers and adulteresses, not know you, that the friendship of the world enmity of the God is? whoever therefore may wish a friend to be of the world, an enemy of the God is rendered.
4 Adulterers and adulteresses, not know you, that the friendship of the world enmity of the God is? whoever therefore may wish a friend to be of the world, an enemy of the God is rendered.
19 We know, that from the God we are, and the world whole in the evil one lies.
9 Was the light the true, which enlightens every man coming into the world.
10 In the world he was, and the world through him was, and the world him not knew.
18 No one himself let deceive; if any one seems wise to be among you in the age this, a fool let him become, so that he may become wise.
4 (through which the greatest to us and precious promises have been given, so that through these you might become of a divine partakers nature having fled away from the in world, by inordinate desire corruption;)
18 If the world you hates, you know, that me before you it has hated.
19 If of the world you were, the world would the own kiss, because but of the world not you are, but I chose you out of the world, on account of this hates you the world.
13 You are the salt of the earth. If but the salt become tasteless, with what shall it be salted? for nothing is it of service any more, except to be cast out, and trodden under foot by the men.
14 You are the light of the world. Not possible a city to hide upon a hill being situated;
28 and the lowborn of the world and the things having been despised chose the God, and the things not existing, that the things existing he may bring to nothing;
29 so that not may boast all flesh in presence of the God.
15 And said to them: Having gone into the world all, publish the glad tidings to all the creation.
15 And said to them: Having gone into the world all, publish the glad tidings to all the creation.
27 but the foolish things of the world chose the God, that the wise ones he may shame; and the weak things of the world chose the God, that he may shame the powerful ones;
2 and he a propitiation is on account of the sins of us, not on account of the ours but only, but also on account of whole of the world.
8 See you, not any one you shall be the making a prey by means of the philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of the men, according to the elements of the world, and not according to Anointed.
7 But I the truth say to you; it is better for you, that I should go away. If for not I should go away, the helper not will come to you; if but I go, I will send him to you.
8 And having come he will convict the world concerning sin, and concerning righteousness, and concerning judgment.
9 Concerning sin indeed, because not they believe into me;
10 concerning righteousness but, because to the Father of me I go away, and no more you behold me;
11 concerning and judgment, because the ruling of the world this has been judged.
13 Not do you wonder, brethren of me, if hates you the world.
12 because not is to us the comfort with blood and flesh, but with the governments, with the authorities, with the worldrulers of the darkness of this, with the spiritual things of the evil one, in the heavenlies.
26 What for is profited a man if the world whole he may win, the and life of him he may forfeit? or what shall give a man in exchange for the life of him?
26 What for is profited a man if the world whole he may win, the and life of him he may forfeit? or what shall give a man in exchange for the life of him?
2 and not conform yourselves to take age this, but transform yourselves by the renovation of the mind of you, in order that to prove you, what the will of the God, the good and wellpleasing and perfect.
2 and not conform yourselves to take age this, but transform yourselves by the renovation of the mind of you, in order that to prove you, what the will of the God, the good and wellpleasing and perfect.
12 We but not the spirit of the world received, but the spirit that from God, that we may know the things by the God having been graciously given to us;
3 In flesh for walking, not according to flesh warring.
15 Not I ask, that thou wouldst take them out of the world, but that thou wouldst keep them from the evil one.
16 Of the world not they are, as I of the world not am.
17 Sanctify them in the truth of thee; the word the thine truth is.
18 As me thou didst send into the world, also I sent them into the world.
14 I have given to them the word of thee; and the world hated them, because not they are of the world, as I not am of the world.
15 Not I ask, that thou wouldst take them out of the world, but that thou wouldst keep them from the evil one.
16 Thus for loved the God the world, so that the son of himself the onlybegotten he gave, that every one who believing into him, not may be destroyed, but may have life agelasting.
16 Thus for loved the God the world, so that the son of himself the onlybegotten he gave, that every one who believing into him, not may be destroyed, but may have life agelasting.
20 Where a wise man? where a scribe? where a disputer of the age this? Not did make foolish the God the wisdom of the world this?
21 When for in the wisdom of the God not knew the world through the wisdom the God, was pleased the God, through the foolishness of the proclamation to save those believing.
27 Religion pure and undefiled with the God and Father, this is, to oversee orphans and widows in the affliction of them, unspotted himself to keep from the world.
27 Religion pure and undefiled with the God and Father, this is, to oversee orphans and widows in the affliction of them, unspotted himself to keep from the world.
19 We know and, that what things the law says, to those under the law it speaks; that every mouth may be stopped, and liable to penalty may become all the world to the God.
14 And shall be published this the glad tidings of the kingdom in whole the habitable, for a testimony to all the nations; and then shall come the end.
19 This and is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and loved the man rather the darkness, than the light; was for evil of them the works.
4 You of the God are, dear children, and have overcome them; because greater is he in you, than he in the world.
15 Not do you love the world, not the things in the world. If any one should love the world, not is the love of the Father in him;
16 because all that in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pomp of the life, not is from the Father, but from the world is.
4 because all that having been begotten by the God, overcomes the world; and this is the victory that having overcome the world, the faith of us.
4 because all that having been begotten by the God, overcomes the world; and this is the victory that having overcome the world, the faith of us.
17 And the world passes away, and the lust of it; the but one doing the will of the God, abides for the age.
31 Now a judgment is the world this; now the ruler of the world this, will be cast out.
10 In the world he was, and the world through him was, and the world him not knew.
12 Again therefore the Jesus to them spoke, saying: I am the light of the world; he following me, not not shall walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of the life.
11 Shone forth for the favor of the God that saving for all men,
12 admonishing us, so that having renounced the impiety and the worldly desires, prudently and righteously and piously we may live in the present age;
36 (What for will it profit a man, if he should win the world whole, and he should forfeit the life of himself?
16 because all that in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pomp of the life, not is from the Father, but from the world is.
7 Woe to the world from the snares. Necessary for it is to come the snares; but woe to the man to that through whom the snare comes.
25 O Father righteous, and the world thee not knew; I but thee knew, and these knew that thou me didst send.
26 And I made known to them the name of thee, and will make known; that the love which thou didst love me, in them may be, and I in them.
27 Peace I leave to you, peace the mine I give to you; not as the world gives, I give to you. Not let be troubled of you the heart nor let it be afraid.