9 if but not they possess selfcontrol, let him marry; better for it is to have married, than to be inflamed.
14 Not be you unequally yoking with unbelievers; what for participation righteousness and lawlessness? what and fellowship light with darkness?
15 What and agreement of an Anointed with Belial? or what portion to a believer with an unbeliever?
18 Flee you the fornication. All sins which if may do a man, outside of the body is; he but committing fornication against the own body sins.
19 Or not know you, that the body of you a temple of the in you holy spirit is, which you have from God, and not you are of yourselves?
20 You were brought for a price; glorify you therefore the God in the body of you.
4 Honorable the marriage among all, and the bed undefiled; fornicators but and adulterers will judge the God.
14 besides all and these the love, which is a bond of the completeness;
13 The foods for the belly, and the belly for the foods; the but God both this and these will make useless. The and body not for the fornication, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body;
33 Not be you led astray. Corrupt habits virtuous companionships evil.