6 who will render to each according to the works of him;
7 to those indeed by perseverance of a work good, glory and honor and incorruptibility are seeking, life agelasting;
8 to those but from a party spirit, and disobeying indeed the truth, obeying but the unrighteousness, wrath and indignation.
17 If any one may wish the will of him to do, he shall know concerning the teaching, whether from the God it is, or I from myself speak.
35 Not do you cast away therefore the confidence of you, which has a reward great.
36 Of patience for you have need; so that the will of the God having done, you may receive the promise.
37 Yet for a little while very very, the the coming one will come and not will delay.
38 The but just one by faith shall live; and if he should draw back, not delights the soul of me in him.
39 We but not are for shrinking back, to destruction; but for faith, to a saving of life.
38 Peter and said to them: Reform you, and be dipped each one of you in the name of Jesus Anointed, for forgiveness of sins, and you shall receive the gifts of the holy spirit.
51 O stiffnecked, and uncircumcised in the heart and the ears; you always the spirit the holy fight against, like the fathers of you also you.
15 I know of thee the works, that neither cold thou art, nor hot; I wish cold thou wert, or hot.
16 Thus, because lukewarm thou art, and neither hot nor cold, I am about thee to vomit out of the mouth of me. Because thou sayest;
7 Be you subject therefore to the God; be opposed to the accuser, and he will flee from you;
8 draw you near to the God, and he will draw near to you; cleanse you hands, sinners, and purify you hearts, twosouled ones.