25 Said to her the Jesus: I am the resurrection and the life; he believing into me, even if he may die, he shall live;
26 and all the living and believing into me, not not may die into the age. Believest thou this?
24 Faithful the one calling you, who also will perform.
8 The for bodily discipline for a little it is profitable; the but piety for all things profitable it is, a promise having of life of the now and of that about coming.
5 The one overcoming, this shall invest himself with garments white; and not not I will blot out the name of him out of the scroll of the life, and I will confess the name of him in presence of the Father of me, and in presence of the messengers of him.
16 Thus for loved the God the world, so that the son of himself the onlybegotten he gave, that every one who believing into him, not may be destroyed, but may have life agelasting.
4 (through which the greatest to us and precious promises have been given, so that through these you might become of a divine partakers nature having fled away from the in world, by inordinate desire corruption;)
7 Ask, and it shall be given to you; and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.
15 And on account of this of a covenant new a mediator he is, so that of a death having taken place, for a redemption of the under the first covenant transgressions, the promise might receive those having been called of the agelasting inheritance.
10 The and God of all favor that one having called us into the agelasting of himself glory by Anointed Jesus, a little having suffered, himself to complete you, he will confirm, he will strengthen, he will establish.
23 and having been bathed the body in water pure, we should hold fast the confession of the hope without declining; (faithful for the one having promised;)
2 Beloved ones, now children of God we are, and not yet was it brought to light, what we shall be; we know but, that if he should appear, like to him we shall be; because we shall see him, as he is.
3 And every one the having the hope this in him, purifies himself, as he pure is.
22 but shut up together the scripture the all things under sin, in order that the promise by faith of Jesus Anointed might be given to the believers.
20 Lo, I have stood at the door, and knock; if any one may have heard the voice of me, and may have opened the door, I will go in to him, and sup with him, and he with me.
9 Not is slow the Lord of the promise, as some slowness account; but is longsuffering towards us not desiring some to perish, but all for a reformation to come.
1 These therefore having the promise, beloved ones, let us cleanse ourselves from all pollution of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in fear of God.
6 now but more excellent he has obtained a service by as much also of a better he is covenant a mediator, which on better promises has been instituted.