17 And you will be being hated by all through the name of me.
18 And a hair from the head of you not not will perish.
19 In the patient endurance of you preserve you the lives of you.
22 and whatever we may ask, we receive from him, because the commandments of him we keep, and the things pleasing in presence of him we do.
15 Not I ask, that thou wouldst take them out of the world, but that thou wouldst keep them from the evil one.
18 We know, that every one the having been begotten by the God, not sins; but the one having been begotten by the God, keeps himself, and the evil one not lays hold of him.
6 so that being confident us to say: A Lord for me a helper, and not I will fear; what shall do to me a man?
11 Put you on the complete armor of the God, for that to enable you to stand against the crafty ways of the accuser;
11 And no more I am in the world, and these in the world are, and I to thee am coming. O Father holy, keep them in the name of thee, by which thou hast given to me; that they may be one, as we.
12 When I was with them in the world, I kept them in the name of thee; whom thou hast given to me I guarded, and no one of them was destroyed, if not the son of the destruction, that the writings may be fulfilled.
7 Ask, and it shall be given to you; and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.
8 All for the asking receives; and the seeking finds; and to the knocking it shall be opened.
33 Seek you but first the kingdom of the God and the righteousness of him, and these all shall be superadded to you.
6 So then not we may sleep, as even the others, but we should watch and we should not drink;
14 And this is the boldness which we have towards him, that if anything we may ask according to the will of him, he hears us;
15 and if we know, that he hears us, whatever we may ask, we know, that we have the petitions which we have asked from him.
35 And he said to them: When I sent you without a purse, and a bag, and sandals, not anything wanted you? They and said; Nothing.
14 Thus also the Lord has appointed for those the glad tidings proclaiming, from of the glad tidings to live.
11 Put you on the complete armor of the God, for that to enable you to stand against the crafty ways of the accuser;
12 because not is to us the comfort with blood and flesh, but with the governments, with the authorities, with the worldrulers of the darkness of this, with the spiritual things of the evil one, in the heavenlies.
8 Not therefore you may be like to them; knows for the Father of you, of what things need you have, before of the you ask him.
10 A root for of all of the evils is the love of money; which some longing after wandered from the faith, and themselves pierced around with sorrows many.
29 Not two sparrows an assarius are sold? and one of them not shall fall upon the earth without the Father of you.
30 Of you and even the hairs of the head all being numbered are.
31 Not therefore fear you; many sparrows are better you.
13 all things I am strong in the one strengthening me.
31 When then shall we say to these things? If the God on behalf of us, who against us?
19 The and God of me will fill up every want of you according to the wealth of himself in glory, in Anointed Jesus.
22 And all, whatever you shall ask in the prayer, believing you shall receive.
3 Faithful but is the Lord, who will establish you and will guard from the evil one.
7 Be you subject therefore to the God; be opposed to the accuser, and he will flee from you;
11 If then you, bad ones being, know gifts good to give to the children of you, how much more the Father of you, that in the heavens, give good to those asking him?