11 Indeed I say to you, not has risen among born of woman greater, of John the dipper; the but less in the kingdom of the heavens, greater of him is.
12 From and the days of John the dipper till now, the kingdom of the heavens has been invaded, and invaders seize on her.
18 and will deliver me the Lord from every work evil, and will save for the kingdom of himself the heavenly; to whom the glory for the ages of the ages; so be it.
21 Not all who saying to me; O Lord, O Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of the heavens; but he doing the will of the Father of me, of that in heavens.
28 Therefore kingdom unshaken receiving, may we hold fast favor, by means of which we may serve acceptably to the God, with reverence and piety.
29 Even for the God of us a fire consuming.
5 Hear you, brethren of me beloved ones, not the God chose the poor of the world rich ones in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he promised to those loving him?
11 I say but to you, that many from east and west will come, and will lie down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of the heavens.
19 Whoever therefore breaks one of the commandments of these of the least, and teach thus the men, least he shall be called in the kingdom of the heavens; who but ever shall do and teach, the same great shall be called in the kingdom of the heavens.
20 I say for to you that except abound the righteousness of you more of the scribes and Pharisees, by no means you may enter into the kingdom of the heavens.
24 Another parable he proposed to them, saying: May be compared the kingdom of the heavens to a man sowing good seed in the field of him.
25 In and the to sleep the men, came of him the enemy, and sowed darnel through midst of the wheat; and went forth.
26 When and was spring up the blade and fruit yielded, then appeared also the darnel.
27 Coming and the slaves of the householder, said to him: O lord, not good seed didst thou sow in the thy field? whence then has it darnel?
28 He and said to them: An enemy a man this has done. The and slaves said to him: Dost thou wish then going forth we should gather them?
29 He said: No; lest, gathering the darnel, you should root up with them the wheat.
30 Leave them to grow together both till the harvest; and in time of the harvest I will say to the harvesters: Gather you first the darnel, and bind you them into bundles, for the to burn them; the but wheat bring together into the barn of me.
31 Another parable he proposed to them, saying: Like is the kingdom of the heavens to a grain of mustard, which taking a man sowed in the field of him.
32 Which less indeed is of all of the seeds; when but it may be grown, greater of the herbs is, and becomes a tree, so that to come the birds of the heaven, and to make nests in the branches of it.
14 The and Jesus said: Suffer the little children and not hinder them to come to me; of the for such like is the kingdom of the heavens.
47 Again like is the kingdom of the heaven, to a dragnet, being cast into the sea, and of every kind bringing together;
48 which when it is full, drawing to the shore, and sitting down they collected the good into vessels, the but bad away they cast.
49 So it will be in the end of the age. Shall go forth the messengers, and shall separate the wicked from among the just,
50 and shall cast them into the furnace of the fire; there will be the weeping and the gnashing of the teeth.
33 Another parable he spake to them: Like is the kingdom of the heavens to leaven, which taking a woman mixed in of meal measures three, till of it was leavened whole.
23 The and Jesus said to the disciples of himself: Indeed I say to you, that with difficulty a rich man shall enter into the kingdom of the heavens.
24 Again and I say to you, easier it is a camel through a hole of needle to pass, than a rich man into the kingdom of the God to enter.
25 Having heard and the disciples, were amazed exceedingly, saying: Who then is able to be saved?
26 Looking but the Jesus said to him: With man this impossible is; with but God all possible.
1 In now the days those comes John the dipper, proclaiming in the desert of the Judea, and saying:
2 Reform ye; has come nigh for the majesty of the heavens.
10 Therefore rather, brethren, do you earnestly strive sure of you the calling and election to make; these things for doing not not you may fail at any time.
11 So for richly will be furnished to you the entrance into the agelasting kingdom of the Lord of us and Savior Jesus Anointed.
17 From that time began the Jesus to proclaim, and to say: Reform; has come nigh for the royal dignity of the heavens.
44 Again like is the kingdom of the heaven to a treasure having been hid in the field, which finding a man be hides, and from the joy of him he goes, and all as much he has sells, and buys the field that.
45 Again like is the kingdom of the heaven to a man a merchant, seeking choice pearls.
46 Finding and one costly pearl, going he sold all as much as he had, and bought it.
18 Also I and to thee say, that thou art a rock, and upon this the rock I will build of me the church, and gates of hades not shall prevail against her.
19 And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of the heavens; and whatever thou mayest bind upon the earth, shall be bound in the heavens; and whatever thou mayest loose upon the earth, shall be loosed in the heavens.
36 Then leaving the crowds, went into the house the Jesus. And came to him the disciples of him, saying: Explain to us the parable of darnels of the field.
37 He and answering said to them: He sowing the good seed, is the son of the man;
38 the and field, is the world; the and good seed, they are the sons of the kingdom; the and darnel, are the sons of the wicked (one);
39 the and enemy, he having sown them, is the adversary; the and harvest, end of the age is; the and reapers, messengers are.
40 As therefore are gathered the darnel, and in a fire are burned; so will it he in the end of the age this.
41 Will send the son of the man the messengers of him, and they will gather out of the kingdom of him all the seducers and those working the lawlessness,
42 and they will cast them into the furnace of the fire; there shall be a weeping and gnashing of the teeth.
43 Then the righteous shall shine, as the sun, in the kingdom of the father of them. He having ears to hear, let him hear.
9 In this way then pray you: Father with us, who in the heavens, reverenced the name of thee;
10 let come the kingdom of thee; let be done the will of thee, as in heaven, also on the earth;
3 Blessed the poor to the spirit; because of them is the kingdom of the heavens.
4 Blessed the mourners, for they shall be comforted.
5 Blessed the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
6 Blessed the hungering and thirsting the righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
7 Blessed the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
8 Blessed the clean to the heart, for they the God shall see.
9 Blessed the peacemakers, for they sons of God shall be called.
10 Blessed those being persecuted on account of righteousness, for of them is the kingdom of the heavens.
11 Blessed are ye, whenever they reproach you and persecute, and say every evil word against you, speaking falsely, because of me.
12 Rejoice ye and exult ye, for the reward of you great in the heavens; in this way for they persecuted the prophets those before you.
7 Passing on your way and preach you, saying: That has come nigh the kingdom of the heavens.
32 Not fear, the little flock; for it has pleased the Father of you to give to you the kingdom.
5 This for you know knowing, that every fornicator or impure person or lascivious person, who is an idol worshipper, not has an inheritance in the kingdom of the Anointed one and of God.
1 In that the hour came the disciples to the Jesus, saying: Who then greater is in the kingdom of the heaven?
2 And having called the Jesus a little child placed it in midst of them,
3 and said: Indeed I say to you, if not you be changed and become as the little children, not not you may enter into the kingdom of the heavens.
4 Whoever therefore may humble himself as the little child this, he is the greater in the kingdom of the heavens.